Ally Market Tips

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. The ally market is one of the most important aspects of KaW, second only to your build. The ally market is relatively easy to get into if you know where to look (Click here for a step by step guide on how to make a price guide), and what ally to buy at what price.

    To be successful at the ally market there are essential attributes about the market that you must first understand:
    • Stat distribution
    • Stat fluxuations
    • Ally order on purchase list
    Stat Distribution
    Stat distribution has to do with which phase of the game someone is at. Typically each phase can be identified with a price range and knowing the price ranges will give a prediction to how long your going to carry them if purchased. For example if someone is not LC and has the last few lands to purchase, it will take weeks for them to upgrade and have a long carrying time. On the other hand if there first starting out or half way to BC, then they are upgrading more quickly and will have a lower carrying time. Another consideration is if there LCBC then they are finished upgrading and become trophies at this point.

    Stat Fluxuations
    Stat fluxuations has to do with two things: 1) Average total stats per price will increase and decrease through out the day. 2) At each specific price the average total stats will decrease with time. This has to do with inflation.

    Ally Order On Price List
    When you goto search allies per price the game will present you with about twenty pages with twenty one allies per page. The order at which they appear is most active to lease active. So when buying allies you'll want to stick toward the first few pages that are presented and never buy off the last few pages. If your ally is not active enough to stay on at least the last page they will not sell, ever. There is also a chance they might not be active anymore too. Another reason to why you want to buy of the first few pages is when they move to the next price level it will be one of the first allies people see.

    Now we've discussed the attributes of the market, the next thing to discuss is the different methods to buying allies. There are three main methods:
    • Under priced
    • More active
    • Single price
    Under Priced
    Buying under priced allies is the fastest way to make easy cash. To find these allies you must first goto a price with no intention of making a purchase. Your intention is to see what the highest stat person is. After looking through a few pages you want to leave this price range and goto the next lower price range. Flip through the first few pages and look for people with higher stats than the one on the higher price. If you do find someone then this person is under priced and should be bought. But if there is not any higher stat persons remember what the highest stats are for this price and goto the next lower price and look for stats higher. And keep doing this over and over.

    More Active
    The more active method is the same as the under priced method but you don't buy higher stats people, you buy people with the same stats as on the higher price, you also want to buy people that appear on earlier pages than what they do on the above price. For example if you goto price X and the ally with the highest stats is on page three. Then at the next lower price there is a ally on page two with the same stats, this person is more active and should be bought, when they are moved to the next price they will appear ahead of the other person and your ally will be seen first by other people.

    Single Price
    This method is only suggested if the two methods above yield no results and you have a lot of cash relative to the price selected. Now imagine the allies flowing from price to price like a river. Within this river you want to select a price and buy all the good allies. The idea is you make a monopoly on all the good allies at this price and everyone must buy your allies.

    Remember be patient and persistent. 

    Good Luck
  2. I found it lol your right about all that and I'm ur first post.
  3. Nice guide 
    are you sure that the ally list is sorted by activity though? I've never heard anyone say that before 0.o
  4. Thanks Mr. Cow

    When I was trying to figure out how there situated per price. I did notice that people with older wall posts were toward the back and ones with more resent wall posts were toward the front. I'm 90% sure everyone is situated on activity. But I could be wrong 
  5. Sort order is the same as in your ally list - it's by start date.
  6. Ah ok thanks nyn, I've never heard that before lol but it makes sense
  7. I know your allies are sorted by join date - i dont think hire alles is sorted by activity - maybe join datw too (after price)
  8. Ooohhh... That would make since! I must fix this now.. Thanks guys 
  9. I believe allies are sorted by when they arrive at a particular price point
  10. Thts too long i skimmed the middle n read the end
  11. Yes this a junior guideline to trade allies but experience n time is most important!! If u have experience volly a lcbc ally from 2.4b to 11b, then u do a good trader!!
  12. Lol. Yeah. Agree. You make a lot of money trading underpriced ally to full price. Turned 200m to 1b, trading up the 40k pure atk ally from 190m to 400m
  13. Don't listen to the nay-sayers Havoc...this list has been invaluable to my progress in KAW.

    ty ty ty!

  14. Allies in the ally hiring page are sorted by:
    First- Price
    Second- Join Date
  15. Bump for a friend 