Ally Market Price Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. Warning: must know how to use excel.
    If you don't know the basic terminology used, use google to learn it.

    When your LCBC your next and final step is the ally market. The problem with this is it's a learn as you go system. You might find some good spots here and there and lots of sink holes in most places, the trick is where to look. 

    You can ask people what price or range they buy allies, you will always receive an answer but it will always be ambiguous. In short it's not a real answer at all. These are the most closely guarded secrets of any LCBC player. The instructions that follow are going teach you how to make a price guide so you know where to look.

    With excel on look to see if you drag and drop is activated.
    1. Click tools
    2. Select Options
    3. Click the Edit tab
    4. Make sure the check box for Allow cell drag and drop has a check mark
    5. If checked exit out, if not check it and exit out.

    In cell A1 put 10,000

    In cell A2 put this equation: =Trunc(1.05*A1), press enter. When entered correctly it will display 10,500.

    Drag and drop equation in cell A2 down to cell A51.

    To drag and drop, make sure the intended cell or range is selected (A2). You will notice a black frame around the selected item(s). It looks like this for a single cell:


    See the little black square in the lower right had corner? Click that with the left clicker and while holding it down move the mouse downward toward cell A51. When you reach cell A51 let go of the left click. If done correctly you'll see the numbers automatically fill in the highlighted column. This is drag and drop.

    Next you want to select cell A51. Move the mouse over the frame so the icon changes to this:


    When it looks like this click and hold the left mouse button and move the item into cell B1. If done correctly the item will no longer be in cell A51 but will be in cell B1.

    Select cell A2 and drag and drop over into cell B2.

    Now drag and drop the equation from B2 down to B50.

    Now select all the contents from cell B1 down to B50, then drag and drop over into column G.

    From here you'll have a bunch of #### in most places, this means the numbers are to long to be displayed in the cells. You'll have to reformat the column width so you can see the numbers.

    To resize the column width to fit the contents, place your mouse over the line to the right side of the column heading until the cursor becomes a plus, then double-click, do the same for all columns A through G.

    Last couple of steps from here are just for aesthetics and will make the price guide easier on the eyes.

    First highlight cell A1 down to cell G50.

    Inside of the highlighted section click the right click in the mouse to bring up the options menu.

    Select Format cells.

    Click on the Number tab and select  number from the list. It will ask for how many zeros to display after the decimal. Have it set to zero and check the Use 1000 Separator (,).

    From here you can click the border tab to add grid lines or just press OK to apply the format and exit out.

    You might have to resize toe columns after the reformat, you might not. Just redouble click the line to the right of the column headings.

    Now just print it out...

    I have read and reread this and tried to make these instructions as simple as possible. Good luck and happy hunting.
  2. shot gun~~~~ :lol:
  3. So that guide just tells you every price an ally will cost if hired from 10k up?
  4. There's another way to accomplish the same thing. For cell A1 type 10000. For cell A2 type "=A1*1.05" without the quotes. Then copy cell A2 (control-c). Then scroll down to row 400 and click cell A400. Then hold down shift and control, and press the up arrow on the keyboard which will select from cell A2 down to A400. Then paste. There ya go.

    I picked row 400 cause that gets you all the hire prices up to $2.8T which is more than anybody needs to know really. But you can pick any row. If you wanna see something funny, pick row 4000. Lol. Nobody gonna cost that much anytime soon, i don't think. 
  5. That's correct sir
  6. pretty much. any other way to get those numbers?
  7. Sorry to be dense, but what's the application here of what you created? Is it just a tracking list? I'm not getting how this helps ppl shop.
  8. Another way to do it is to take whatever the current hire price is and multiply it times 1.05 raised to the X power, where X is the number of hires.

    So if dude costs $575m, and you wanna know what he'd cost after 5 hires, take 575,000,000 * 1.05^5 and you get $734m.

    I wrote a PC application that's way more involved, it actually tells you after X rounds of hiring back and forth, how much money each person doing the volleying would have and what the ally would cost. And I actually spent the time comparing against actual data from the game to account for rounding errors. Good fun.
  9. Tmh, you got way too much time on your hands lol .
  10. Dude, I'm a computer programmer and data analyst for a living, this stuff is like taking a nap for me. I know Excel better than anyone you'll ever meet. You'd be amazed to know some of the clients that are running my Excel-based applications.
  11. What does this exactly do? Just gives you exact prices? Doesnt seem very special as tmh said u can do on calculator in 1 min... And even i can make a program that calculates exact numbers...
  12. And if it's for volleying you know in ur head the approximate price anyways
  13. Yup see everyone high profile LCBC players trying to discredit this guide to keep all the good stuff for themselves. And one of them is even a mod...
  14. Ok, this is mistitled then and the functionality should be extended to encompass both sides of the volley ..

    I put together a spreadsheet to help me predict the ally price at each volley, the cumulative $ gained at each volley and the drop price (30% of hire price - cumulative $ gained) so that you can track what your real losses are. Without this I'm wondering why one would bother with the spreadsheet at all.
  15. This isn't about volleying.. 

    This is a printable price guide to show people new to the ally market what prices to look at for good allies. For me and anyother LCBC player this is very obvious. But for someone just build complete this is not quite so obvious.

    Yes these are the prices of people that have never been dropped. If someone has been dropped the logical answer to why they were dropped is there something wrong with them. Such as there inactive. But of course there are other reasons why they have been dropped. But people who are active and grow tend to not get dropped and these are the places to look for these people.

    I have all the mathematics done for cash transfers. I've ran multiple simulations and my theory corresponds with actual results. If you would like for me to make a thread about volleys and cash transfer I can do that for you, but this thread is not about that.
  16. Telling someone what an ally will cost after buying does NOT tell them whether or not it's a good buy.

    Which part of your spreadsheet helps the user evaluate good vs bad?
  17. Lol.. That's a technique that I'm not telling hahahah
  18. Hrm...
    I don't keep my shopping tactics secret. Since I carry 250 marketable allies, it's in my best interest if more people get out there & shop for marketable allies. Higher activity in the market means faster turnover for me.
  19. Lol fail. Its only iseful if it includes stats. U said highe players dont disclos secrets... Then u say u have a secret wat for this to be useful?

    And like nyn, i dont have any problems disclosing ally facts since faster my alles sell the more i make.

    Tell us exact prices doesnt help at all, and thats what ur thing does. Tmh's program can calculate transfer info - thats useful.