Hey guys and gals I have a Kaw idea (Everyone leaves immediately) Ok guys Don't you hate when you drop allies, the people who you drop doesn't care about it But my idea is, if you drop a player, the player's name is mentioned on wc saying UPDATE: Mango has been dropped Or something like that But you have to be first value 500b or higher So preventing to drop Noobs spamming wc. This will cause people to become good and active allies so they don't be dropped and humiliated in wc Think about it...... Ok enough Think how funny when someone like Redstar decides to drop Cella xD UPDATE: Redstar has dropped Cella for being a bad ally This will make people check more often in wc making wc not only filled with pathetic ads You can also just waste like a trillion to drop someone making them humiliated in wc How fun is that!? If you support this idea, comment If you don't support this idea, comment I already know there will be billions of thumbs down
I don't really support this either. I'm absolutely a fan of ideas for things that could help to spice up WC, but I don't think this is one of those things. Not to mention the fact that there's no real "point" per-se. Besides, the vast majority of the time dropping an ally is a bad idea.
You actually think it would be humiliating in wc? All it would do is spam... Along with the endless, relentless ads.
Do we really need this, though? People are all too eager to share who they stripped in the forums. Side note - I highly doubt anybody cares if they're dropped as an ally. After all, if my owner drops me, that doesn't affect me at all.