Allies and there Benefits

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Huber18_WarLord_King, May 3, 2012.

  1. So how much stats do i get from allies? whats the estimated percentage? 

    I seem to get lots of different answers and wondering whats the corect one

    Also if i get allies with huge attack stats, Will I eventually be able to hit haunting without pots?

    Thanks for the help KaW Forumers

     Y.S.S We Lawless We Flawless
  2. Allies give you more plunder when attacking, and provide small amounts of attack/defense.
  3. You get 2% of their stats added to yours.
  4. And yes, a forge hansel with 31m attack bfa can successfully hit full troops on Haunting. I am unsure whether irt goes for unloads too.
  5.  just 2%

    Wow i got some work to do.
  6. Yes, you get 2% benefit. Eventually yes you can hit haunting without pots. Please ask questions in the question thread instead of spamming the forums though
  7. There is two ways of looking at this.

    1. Is that you get exactly what you see if an ally has 4 mil attack that's exactly what you get from them. But it's added to your raw stats.

    So in order to double your stats lets say 4mil attack stats. You will need 200 million in ally bfa.

    2. Is that you only get a percentage of your bfa. 1 million bfa equates to 20k stats.

    Both ways are correct and give you the same outcome. Just worded differently.