Allies and Basic Ally Trade

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by AbyssDragon, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Hello Everyone its AbyssDragon but you can call me Dragon or Abyss and I'm here to bring you my guide on Allies and Basic Ally Trading!

    If your new to KaW you might ask yourself what are allies and why should you buy them.

    1. Allies Importance
    You should have allies because they:
    Raise your plunder
    Bank your gold
    Can make you a profit
    Can show off your wealth
    And Add stats to yours

    2.How much in allies should I have?
    The basic equation for how much in allies you should have is your cs x 5500. Another thing you can do is make sure to have 10bil while working on lowlands and 25bil while working in Highlands and about 75bil for Hoarfrost lands.

    3.So how do you buy allies?
    Just go to the allies tab and it will pop up with a ally that is in the highest price range. There is also a Search feature so you can put in a price.

    4. Ally Trading
    Now that you understand Allies and what they do you may want to start ally trading. Ally Trdaing is selling allies as a way of making a profit. Now you may be thinking I already sell my allies so what's the point of this? You may sell allies but this is some people's way of making some money. I make 1-5 bil off of allies a day along with hitting EBs you can make a lot of money.

    5. How to get started
    First of all I suggest that you have around 10 bil gold before starting to do this process. Go to the allies tab and buy as many allies at cost 900mil as you can. They will be less than that though. When you are done buying hit the eb and wait a bit.

    Allies in this price range are bought frequently as I have sold 100 allies in about 3 hours. You make anywhere from 12-14 mil profit with each of these allies being sold. That means with ten you can make 140mil just by buying allies and waiting.

    With this Method you can make a decent side income to your EBs and wars. It is good for buying pots for wars. Also for this price stats don't matter they will still sell

    Thanks for reading my guide on Allies and the Ally Trade. I know there are lots of guides out there like this but I wanted to give my view on it. Also this is my first guide so I do welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Hope that I can help everyone reading this and it helped you in someway! Dragon going back to the Abyss
  2. Interesting guide
  3. Thanks Avatar!
  4. Good try. Can be improved with more efficient bbcodes and colours. You'll need to be extremely original to outshine all the other guides out there
  5. Ok D3vil how would I do that? Like any suggestions?
  6. Honestly I would keep the thread colors more neutral, instead of having a different color for each section.
  7. Alright Avatar sounds good I was thinking of doing that but wanted some distinction between topics
  8. You want to make your titles bigger. Make sure the colours do not interfere with dark blue (PC) or white (idevice). Yellow, blue, purple, white, black usually are very hard to read for players.
  9. Seems good 
  10. You can elaborate with more info and why they should do things a certain way. Always write threads with the reader in mind.
  11. @D3VIL alright thanks for your info I will probably be doing them in red from now on.
  12. @Ragty__Ball thanks so much