Hey guys. I just wanted to share my thoughts about allie trading which bother me for a while. In theory you can have only 1 allie in average. If you buy 100, then 99 players become without allies (in average). You can see it as a tree with many leafs at the end which do not have any allies. Usually, when you are HLBC you start to buy many allies, and you don't want to loose allies when they are bought (to become one of those leaf), which inflates allie prices and total market value very quick, while average income per day is the same. It looks like when you become HLBC and want to build your bfa (strength bonus from allies), you start a real fight for allies and who is going to win? On short-term the one who plays longer (he has most of the gold). On longer term – no one, because the prices will be so high that you will barely afford to buy 1 allie just for a ‘little’ increase in power. If I am right, please post your ideas here and help developers with feedbacks on how to improve this game by adding more strategy before this black day will come
Don't think it will destroy KaW. Interesting concept, but I guess the multiple buys are offset buy new players who don't buy allies, inactive players
That's why there's inflation. Players keep making more and more money as the days go on, and so more people are being hired. You also need to consider that new players come in every day, and players are upgrading everyday, so not EVERYONE is becoming continuously overpriced. Ally trading has always be part of the game, and will always remain to be part of the game. It hasn't destroyed KaW yet, so I don't see how it can destroy it in the future.
Releasing new land or building is not an option. I remember how many players complained about this last time because there is no new (good) strategy in it. In real life selling something can produce a loss, not only profit. Why not to apply this concept to allie trading? That should stop at least these bloody allie traders from volleys and inflation even further. Should we attack them back, and if won then allie come to you back?
It's not true to say that you can only have 1 ally, because there are many many many active accounts. There are also quite a few spy accounts without allies, and noobs without allies too. But yes, as more and more players BC, the price of allies goes up and up. About 6 months ago, the average price of a 600k combined spy was about 14b, now it's more like 40b. Inflation will always be an issue in KaW, as you almost always make more gold on a successful hit on an opponent, then you loose from being hit. Add to that, free gold from EBs, and there is way way way more gold coming into the system then going out. This doesnt mean that BC players will ever run out of gold to buy allies, as they just keep making more and more gold, but it will/does make it harder for non BC players to afford decent allies. The recent peroid of being able to use gold to buy mithral was good for this, as it took gold out of the system, but other than things like that, the only way the devs can combat this inflation is yet another teir of buildings, or another group of lands. (God forbid that they should even be thinking about either of these things yet)
Don't forget that pure spies don't have allies. And hansels keep inactive allies, most of the time. Players who are just working for max plunder usually keep inactives. This is a large portion of the kawmunity and makes up for a lot of what you are complaining about.
Stop making things complicated this aint the stock Market . And if u go broke buying alis back that's ur fault . Without the ali trade what would the strategy be . Farm and eb's , and myth wars ur lost bro ,sorry for ya
What is said is stil true - there is stil 1 allie in average over all players because you can have only 1 owner. Considering there are a 50% active OSF player without allies, that wil make a trend to 2 active allies per active attack player. But even then OSF wil eventually want to have at least one allie for plunder when raising an attack building (active or inactive, does not matter). Inactive players wil eventually drop or leave the game, unfortunatly these are mostly low stats and cheap players which remove only small portion of cash from the market and only increase the gap between strong player with allies and weaker ones with inactives. This wil not slow down the inflation much.
You're forgetting the point that there are a LOT more inactives than active people. And inactives don't own allies.
We just need another highlands update Ally prices regressed to levels seen months prior to the update.
Sorry, but who wants to buy inactives? I want to sell a few Any hansel or noob? Lol. I think the trend is right, but time will show...hope not to become inactive by then