Allie Market

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swift, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. I just have a simple question, How do I play the Allie market?

    I'm terrible without alike market and I always feel like if I buy a 10bill Allie he'll never be bought back

    Any tips?
  2. Shop mine. There's one
  3. u ally trade with others
  4. By the way I know theres a guide but still would love some tips.
  5. Find prices in the "Ally Market Prices" thread in the strategy section.

    Find the best stats for the price. It helps if you search the next price up to see what their stats are compared to the one you're going to purchase. Spies stats tend to be lower but they sell well.

    Allies with a pro pack tend to sell better from my experiences. Plus the devs won't reset their accounts.

    Make sure they are active (obviously).

    Buying over 200 bill is starting to get risky so be careful if doing so. If you can buy 20 bill or up.

    I think the market is a little dry right now, at least from what I've noticed. I'm not selling nearly as much as I use to.