allie bounus

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIISt0oRmTr00PeRIII, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. hey dose anyone know how to turn allie cost to allie bounus? :|please post if you do :D
  2. at $100k, found that plunder bonus = .0048 x hire cost. at $81k found bonus = .0045 x hire cost
  3. If you have 1 million attack bonus from allies, it's 20k attack
  4. After a bit of study this is best I can tell ... U take the max plunder bonus (listed on your profile), and multiply by 100. The resulting value is the necessary total 'hire value' of your allies if u want max plunder on attacks. The build u have has some influence, but the 100x rule seems to work in most cases for me. :) :)