All Star War is NOT all star

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Happy_Cop, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. I am LB64-66, and I applied ASW within 10min after Kaw wall open. However, I was waiting list...

    As you know this is "ALL STAR WAR", what dev call. But if dev doing this (tons of noob, more than rank 10,000??), must call as "Anniversary War"

    I always feel, dev is logically disrupted. They should hire Ph.D to prevent such a silly game management.
    (You can see how dec is silly, if you talk to them on email lolz)
  2. So let's make a thread about it
  3. Okay, I'm confused, what's your point?
  4. Devs got final choice over roster. You sad you didn't get to play the game like many others?
  5. There's so many ASW compliant threads...I wish a mod would come around and merge all them all.
  6. So how much did you have to spend to get those stats Mr. LBer?
  7. I assume this fail-rant made you feel better. Congratulations, now go back to Zimbabwe and flush a toilet or something.
  8. An all-star game is an exhibition game played by the best players in their sports league. Substitute war for sport and OP is correct.
  9. If you truely wanna be in the All Star War, U could have sign up right @ the dot when sign up was enable; not 10mins later :lol:
  10. Being in the top 100 on leaderboard doesn't mean you're not a noob or know how to war.
  11. I'm ranked 9138 n deserve my place...been playing over 2 years...been in strip farm clans and OSW clans so know how to war...reset 29 weeks ago, if battle stats didn't reset with resets I'd b in too 20 easy for y not top 10k?
  12. Maybe it has something to do with your disgusting grammar
  13. Its okay go cry bc a lot of people didnt get in and never will.
  14. English isnt his first language wolf. Go take your arrogance somewhere else.
  15. You don't think I realize that, homeslice? What kind of a response did he expect from this thread? Go get the stick out of your ass.
  16. Damn. Some people on here are truly delusional.
  17. Most great warriors are either dead and gone or not growing.
  18. Ooh big words.

    Delusional: maintaining fixed false beliefs even when presented with facts.

    Tell me now, how exactly does that reply qualify me as delusional? I admitted that his grammar was a result of English not being his first language. In other words, I didn't maintain a fixed false belief.

    Next time you want to use big words, make sure you use them correctly.
  19. Sorry. Psychotic would have fit better.