All Star War Clans: A Solution to EE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. :ugeek: There have been a lot of complaints about the EE war system. The main reason is the devs give us too much credit. They foolishly believe we would make clan rosters that would be enjoyable to war against when in reality we always end up making a system that favors winning over actual warring pleasure.

    This is not the first time this has happened however. When clans first came out, the devs had this naive idea that we would like to fight each other in system wars. What happened there? An avalanche of plunder wars, that maximized gold and minimized fun.

    As for the present system, no matter how you feel about EE wars, any system that rejects big, veteran builds in favor of newly-made guild hansels is definitely a flawed system.

    However the solution is so obviously simple and it still astounds me the devs have not considered it yet. Stop letting us make decisions, devs. Stop letting us make clans and decide who gets to go to war.

    Remember the All-star wars, anyone? Didn’t get to choose who you warred with did you? That’s what we need here. We need to get rid of the present clan system and have the devs put us in temporary EE war clans when we want to war. (They can bring back those Harbinger clans perhaps).

    This is how it works. You cast for war. An hour before the war, you are ripped out of your clan and put into a dev-sponsored clan. From there you war another dev-sponsored clan. After the war you are kicked back onto the sidewalk until you decide to cast and war again.

    The advantages of this? Well, since your members are different each time, you should have a 50/50 chance of winning. Sure there might be imbalances (your biggest player might end up being Swabia :cry: ), but they will be TEMPORARY imbalances :D . Didn’t work? Well, just try again tomorrow ;) .
    Also it will be inclusive. No one gets turned away because they are too big or not at gh. Finally, we can have big 200 on 200 wars; all out brawls instead of limiting ourselves to this nonsensical 26-29.

    Why are the devs reluctant to do this? -Largely, because it would require them to actually WORK. :eek: What I think many people don’t understand is that very few people in ATA who actually work on KaW. KaW is considered a finished product in their minds, something that needs to be maintained rather than developed. That is why only 4-5 people in ATA actually work on KaW. What do the rest do? Mostly they work on the NEXT GENERATION game, future, yet-to-be-released games they hope will keep the company alive after the popularity of KaW wanes. KaW is like the Rolling Stones of ATA. It can age and the band members can skimp out on practices, but they can still sell out Madison Square Garden regularly. And let’s face it, despite all the problems we see in the game, we all still like it, play it, so the game is still bringing in the gold for ATA, even though they don’t need to put in much effort anymore.

    So how about it ATA? This three-year clan experiment has largely been a failure. You know you can’t trust us players to do anything but look out for our own interests. Let’s get thrown into random clans to war. It might be messy, but we all can play and all have a 50/50 shot at winning. Bring back the All-Star clan war system for EE wars. :ugeek:
  2. I'd like to see this
  3. Basically in the present system, too much of the warring is going on before the war starts. Clan member manipulation to get a favorable matchup is the #1 determining factor over who wins.
  4. This would be fun.
  5. All-star system would also let you meet new people and have with (less pressure I think).
  6. full support
  7. How is anyone supposed to prevent asshats who make 100 accounts and stay inactive the whole war?
  8. On the down side, the random members means there would be less pressure to crystal compared to now. NOt great for ATA7s bottom line. But I like to think that if people are having fun they will spend. I do a lot of EE now and I'm still xstalling in OSW strips and EBs.
  9. it should average out if there are large, random teams.
  10. I call Obi wan kenobi!

  11. minimum stat requirements. Also, do you really know anyone with 100 active accounts?

    sure there might be people who become open osfs or sneak in alts, but this would not be a persistent problem since the teams change.
  12. Support, I burned my finger :/
  13. val got rid of 2/3rds of his accounts? :shock:
  14. That is still not 100 is it? Val couild also not control where each account goes to. I doubt he wars 40 accounts at the same time.
  15. Support. I think this is a fantastic idea and let's face it a ton of fun as well. Nothin like I drop down messy brawl