All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Yes, All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes 
    To be in a big family only shows clans can't stand alone vs 1, 2, 3 plus more clans

    I see big wars yes, might be fun but I don't see kaw as aggressive at it used to be...

    Don't see the point with families more than half of the players in osw clans are noobs rest of the old osw players grown lazy, they just order noobs to hit
    The lazy ones just gather the founds...

    I don't even wanna speak of EE or EB clans... Then I never respected in my whole kaw life. Noob Amateurs !!!

    Those few old school players who still hit and are in families, I must agree you are rare...

    I know I hope on to much but I truly hope all families dies and we are back having fun again...

    To much politics and friends with each other's...

    Show some guts, go out alone as a clan in kaw show u are an hard clan.!?

    I promise it's not that scary, I can hold your hands if you need to take first baby step...

    New Age never join an family 
  2. I agree twicc..that's why I'm on my own now
  3. Family?I killed my sister when I was 4,and I killed my mom at age ten a year ago.My dad left me...
  4. Support twicc. 
  5. Monster alliances killed KaW, been spoutin' that line for over a year now.

  6. Twicc! **** you! You've made me become Mr Diplomatic, and not start the war that you know I want, and you post this  Bro you are hilarious, and right. I see 'old school war clans' that never had the balls to fight before they joined mega alliances, it's a joke.
  7. Lol so true
  8. The problem is, new players like myself don't really know what the old days were like so we just stick to ebs. Whenever I PvP I have bad experiences so I don't PvP all the time :(. Kaw will have to change before these things happen
  9. So basically I'm seeing that new age are beasts because they aren't in a big alliance? While I do respect NA, this post just seems like a spout of arrogance. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  10. That's why i made my own clan
    ~ W A R C O M
  11. The scary part about it is that Twicc was sober when he made this thread 
  12. Pup Devil like a NA member once told me :

    NA is a mean clan that do not take personal attacks well. They listen to their leader twicc. Have fun I bet you get lit up
  13. Wasnt a personal attack, if they interpret at that I can't change their opinion nor will I try to. If they want to light up my news then so be it. Little inc never hurt anyone.
  14. "Spout of arrogance" although I agree it isn't much these guys are looking for reasons to hit people.
  15. Tell me more big mr osw guy about how u got all ur shiny EB eq and those giant spy stats. Tell me it was through osw. Hypocrite
  16. Twicc sober no way red
  17. the irony of your moronic post is quite laughable :roll:
    how did you get to your current stats mr.big shot hansel? through pvp? i doubt it. And judging by your eb equipment, you are the very embodiment of that which you claim to hate :roll: go attention whoring somewhere else idiot :lol:
  18. This was posted as a comment.
  19. Lol @ statless alt. post with a main *****