Alison farming? A joke??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MidnightSlayer123, Apr 26, 2013.

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  1. This is possibly the most fun I've had in ages: -Alison- farming me for what? Nothing LOL! The funny thing is the few times i retaliate I make all my gold back and then some. Even funnier is she wastes xstals on me  she doesn't even pin me properly. She attacks then stops with billions out. I won't lie, I am sad she blocked me as I can imagine she would be fun to talk to. To the rest of kaw farmers:please, if you try to farm someone, DO IT RIGHT.(End of rant) Slayer out
  2. Your gonna lose just use this thread for your surrender save forum space
  3. I have no clue how to post em otherwise I would
  4. @ the one, don't think so.
  5. Well... Where have you been?
  6. No longer omet.
  7. Erebus, how did you know ?? 
  8. This should not be in forums. Talk to admin or LP
  9. Op, Give up while you have any pride left.
  10. Op, you forgot to reserve a space under post for your surrender.
  11. No thx lol Alison is a fail
  12. This is why I am farming him


    I've wasted no x-tals. I will tell you the same as I told his friend




    Have fun.
  13. Surrender?if she takes 100 bill of me in next week ill surrender
  14. Nice. Just give her something to aim for. May I compliment your intelligence, OP?
  15. Where was I rude Alison? As u started hitting me for saying hi I don't think saying ur gonna get a return farm was rude
  16. "Get farmed LOL your stupid you should know rule #1 of omets"

    Name dropping, not cool and makes you look retarded.

    Calling somebody stupid, idiotic.

    Threatening to farm somebody who is hlcbc and you're that build, dumber.
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