Airys Oasis

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Commander_Cody, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. Airy oasis is a sub clan to the hte clan Airys Santuary. The clan was first made to be a b2b rowb clan. Airy then decided to make it a normal clan. I Commader Cody am determined to build this clan for my good friend Airy.

    My history.
    When i join a clan i like to know if the clan leader is willing to help others, active, knows wut he is talkin about.
    I joined kaw about 3 yrs ago. My first clan i ever joined was rpl. Merced there until they took a break for a wk or so. I then joined mp and merced there. I left mp and clan hopped then joind hardkaw mercs that 2 of my friends made.

    I was reset by my sis 2x. My first build was all attack. Got to 6 mill cs befire reset. Second build i tried out a balanced build for a bit then i converted to sh then converted to a almost 6mill cs hansel.

    So i experimented around with the builds so i can u started in the right direction as to most builds.

    As for my experiance with clan i do like to help out with alot of clans lol and most of em were successful. Unfortunately i forget most of em. I did rpl with one of their sub clans Roman Legion Academy and was successful. Im sorry to say it went downhill after i left and is currently closed. You can ask Shiro and scoob if i helped well or not. I helped open a clan named Overlords of Hte but unfortunaty my main wad hacked so i have no idea where the clan went. Im still trying to track it down. I did successfully help that clan reach the goal of becoming a hte clan.

    I hooe thats enough to assure u that i know wutim doing. Im looking for oerms and admins. We are wanting to unlock all the ebs. I will be interviewing for the admin position. Plz contact me if you have any qyestions.

    P.S. My main was hacked so right now im using my noob alt. Lol. So plz dont take me as a noob

    Commander Cody
    Leader of Airys Oasis
  2. Support to Airy and Cody ..... If this clan is half as fun as Airys Sanctuary then Airys Oasis will be full soon 
  3. I'm confused.. recruitment thread or autobiography?
  4. omar. When i am goin to join a clan i like to know thwe clan leader. Thefore u all kniw aboutme
  5. Support 
    Love the name!
  6. Airy is prettycoolask her if you can help with unlocks :mrgreen:

    #Nobbfailsplease )
  7. no pictures.... no effort.... NO SUPPORT!
  8. Rpl was around 3 years ago hmmm
  9. So.... A lot of talk about you, what is this clan about, other than unlocking EB's?

    Is there a farming rule?

    Do y'all encourage Battle List Hits?

    Other than seeing if you actually know what you say you know, why else should someone join your clan?

    Other than knowledge of eb and growth mechanics and planing, (which most admins of all clans should know) what sets your clan, not you, but your clan apart from every other EB and HTE clan out there?

    What I am getting at is, why should anyone looking for a clan care or want to join your clan?

    Will you teach your members about battle mechanics and OSW tactics? Will y'all even be a clan that would consider OSW?

    How about EE, is there a distant plan or desire to become a clan that participates in EE?

    What are the rules of your clan?

    List off some activities, events, clan games, something that you know how to organize and run.

    Or is your clan just about Epic Battles and unlocks?

    In short, tell us about your clan and the clans future goals. Hell, feel free to also put in more details about the history also. And don't forget pictures!!! (size all pictures to 300 width so that everyone can enjoy a picture that isn't too wide.