Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GuNnYLepine, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Hello KAW and welcome back to one of my more popular threads from a couple of months ago. The topic today is still: Which do you prefer airsoft or paintball and why. Now here is how this all works.
    1.must choose a side and explain why you do respectful of other people's choice cussing,bad mouthing, harassing,etc
    4.and lastly have fun

    My side:
    For me I would have to choose airsofting over paintball. The reason why is because airsoft is more realistic while paintball is not. Airsoft has real looking guns while paintball just has a few. Also you can go to a MILSIM event for airsoft(realistic situations). Airsoft is cheaper than paintball and has better looking gear. BUT airsoft does also share some of the guns that are over $450 and up just like paintball.

    Now it's your turn. Let the world hear your voice.

    Starts in 3. 2. 1. GGGGGOOOOOOO
  2. Both.

    Air soft gun in 1 hand and paintball gun in the other.
  3. Tanks. All day erry day.
  4. Nuke Africa.
    Stop Ebola.
  5. Why do you guys choose your choice
  6. I choose paintball because its the only one I've tried and I enjoyed it :)
  7. Paintball because its obvious when someone gets shot.
  8. I choose  .45 caliber Glock
  9. Because then no one gets ebola
  10. Airsoft ftw
  11. Paintball cuz I don't know how to do that airsoft thing a ma bob
  12. Both are more fun than war, good excercise.
  13. That is true. You do get some exercise out of both. Lots of running
  14. Airsoft 100%
  15. Nerf is the best right now