Right, if it needs a sticker saying kids that are 9 can't read it you can't post it. that's the ToS, so all of you people, like anon for example with his "Dramoine" better get your rears down to www.fanfiction.net It's free, and I'm sure most of you have a laptop or some form of computer. This is a nine plus game and ALL CONTENT including your stories must be suitable for nine year olds. SO please don't discuss things over 9 in your stories unless you publish them elsewhere, and also links to stories must be nine plus in general forums. It's in the ToS. It really annoys me when people think a simple sticker will handle it. When has that ever stopped anyone from reading? If parents find out they may take action. You don't want Kingdoms at War shutting down thanks to your story do you? If not please move your stories over to another site. And "Enforcers" if you dare tell me I'm in the wrong it will not end well. It is a nine plus game and my morals are the ones correct here. All the content must be suitable for nine year olds full-stop. I'll be back after dinner if anyone bothered replying. P.S. There is benefits like Review alert systems, story alert systems, and Beta Readers on the designated sites for fanfiction.
No I'm actually advising you on how not to get your story deleted. You bloody "Fan fic guardians" seem to disregard the ToS completely and use your own rules. It's a nine plus game, I'm in the right here.
Buzz off. It's been too long for you to make a difference. The mods would have done something against it if they found it wrong. Believe me, little inexperienced person, the mods haven't forgotten about FanFic. They still check in to read stories.
First of all, a nine year could easily go to the library or outside in the real world and find out all the stuff that are in stories themselves. Second of all, the mods would've done something about it if they though the stories weren't right for young readers. Technically, my story Atlantric: Unknown is not right for nine year olds because it has fighting and weapons but I haven't received any emails or messages regarding the content of my stories, I've never heard of anyone complaining before either. I really don't believe that KaW is going shut down just because of one story. Third of all, you act like all nine year olds are totally innocent. Well they aren't.
9 years are more likely to talk about sex, drugs, alcohol and violence then us because of our society and how the world works, like when u watch a 18 and don't find it scary at all. ITS OLD NEWS!
I said and other sites. Fan fiction MEANS writing from a base topic, you just write fiction. BOOM- hhalf the forums title gone. I tend to dislike 18s movies, I've seen two and didn't like them much. Kkthxbai. I'm just pointing out it's a violation of the ToS and it shouldn't even be posted. Tch, inexperienced? I was on fanfiction WAYYYYYYYYYYYY before you on a different account. And no I will not tell you which. Go whine to mommy. I've been on forums for at least 11 months, maybe more. I'm not the one declaring mods don't check here and starting a glorified group of bullies up. Yeah, they can also go watch porn if they check a little box, does that mean we can post that too?
Hey moron, I've been on the forums since before FanFic even started! That's months more than you. Think before you come up with random BS. And I don't take to kindly with your talk of lowering the amount of unique stories on FanFic. *****
In a way Dolly's right. By Anon's story of It's all about the money went way beyond we've subconsciously agreed not to post, and yes, when you write "only 13 and older" that just makes people want to read it more, because they feel like "big boys" lol. But blitz is right, I was once in gamestop and saw a 9 year old kid. I was talking games to him, and found out that he had played about every bad game out there: Call of Duty, Halo, Half-Life, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, F.E.A.R., and many others. So I only support Dolly by stories like Anon's which are filled with porn.
The first paragraph was about how little 8 year olds feel older by reading things for older people...
Phoenix... No way he played F.E.A.R. He'd have his brains on the wall long before he finished. At least that's what happened to me
I asked him after asking him about twenty other violent games... He said yes. I saw F3AR or Fear 3 in the same gamestop store. I was reaching outtttttt. Btw Dead space is nearly as scary... Well not that much, but pretty close.