again I ask.....

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zyzz, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. I am not fancy with forums and will not decorate this because it doesn't need it. I am completly at a loss as to why seasons and compete tourneys for ee have been abandoned by the devs. Our questions, of when season will start or if you will introduce competive events for ee so that we can enjoy it and others will gain interest, have been either ignored or brushed aside with vague comments like "wait and see". We have waited and seen nothing. Can we at least have some straight answers? Will there be a season 5 and if so what is projected time of start? Don't need to divulge your changes etc. Just if and when possibly it may happen. Will there be asw again? If not will there be another form of competive ee event and again, when? I don't see these as hard questions to answer, and don't see why they are being ignored. Someone in a position to do so can you kindly respond to me in a way that actually answers and doesn't evade these simple questions, thank you for reading and responding.
  2. Full support, tell us devs.
  3. Wait and see
  4. Support
  5. By projection, still have less than a month before we can start requesting for answers.
  6. What statistics do you base this projection on?
  7. He's talking dirt. Support we've been waiting long enough
  8. The previous wars were done around 8 months apart. We are approaching the 8th month soon.
  9. Historical season starts I would assume. Although I'm not sure the math lines up
  10. Thx aj that seriously is best answer I have received.
  11. What is your reasoning that he's dirt and that you've waited long enough?
  12. I'm still a big supporter and fan of this game because of the ee aspect. Alot who were and are great at ee are not so dedicated to it ,however. Many have left the game already. I just wish we had some answers to keep enough people around for it to be competive and fun when it does come time. Also in mean time maybe something tourney oriented to keep interest up maybe?
  13. Word on the street is ASW will be coming first, now if there is any truth in this I do not know. I need a few weeks rest after last event.
  14. I would really enjoy another shot at asw so I hope you are correct. :)
  15. The devs use to release more info before(season start dates/war changes/Road maps), but, since they get tons of back lash when they can't pull through, they only proceed when they are 100% sure. So, I doubt this will receive an answer.

  16. No ASW till I hit overall!
  17. What are the reqs to compete in ASW?
  18. Att 21/21/13 p that's my reason. Plus look at your build and eq you've never done ee so talk about something u know before you open that fat hole on your face
  19. Must be in 10,000 overall to participate. And be lucky. Last time, only 5k could get in if memory serves.
  20. Isn't overall, battle wins + allies?