Advsrtising Chat

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xX_Gabby_QueenOfDaStreets_Xx16, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. There should be another chat specifically for advertising along with regular world chat. This way if your looking for a clan you can go to this chat and if you want to talk about your life issues to the world of kaw, you can do so in regular "World Chat"
    Side note: It should still cost speakers as in regular world chat.
  2. Kinda like this idea, I like to chat and watch the chat for funny stuff. And when it gets spammed by ads it's annoying ! Support!!!!
  3. Then people would post ads in wc
  4. It's be extremely difficult to filter out ads from the world chat side. You'd basically have to have all of KaW just not post ads there. Which I doubt is happening.
  5. It doesn't seem to difficult a separate tab like allies and clan chat. And any ads that go into wc would just = a silence
  6. Support. Ads in wc could be rewarded by a tap with the silence dagger.
  7. Or ads posted in wc just wouldn't show up and it would result in the loss of a speaker
  8. You know what would work better than this, adding a proper search function to clan events. So that it's not just filled with random ebs you aren't looking for
  9. As much as I support. This has been talked about for years, it still has not been implemented. I don't think it ever will unless you can explain to devs how to implement this fully and without problems.
  10. If we do implement this, can't we just have a report button or something? And over usage = a cancellation of your usage?
  11. Mods would still mod WC, so advertising would get muted.
  12. Did anyone else notice the typo in the thread name. That loses my support right there.
  13. Rik, stop being such a stickler. Its a typo and doesn't change the idea of the thread. SUPPORT SPANISHGURL
  14. Like I'm not a good typed lol
  15. I support this op. It will not be hard to censor ads either. Just an update to the ToC and a message recieved to each player stating the changes an?d begin silencing people for using the wrong chat. Simple.
  16. I don't see anything wrong with ads in wc, sure they get annoying, but if your paying attention while trying to have a conversation in wc, then your just fine 