I'm making this thread on the off chance some of the newer members of the KaW community might actually visit here. I'm going to focus in just two items but both important nonetheless. 1st Item: when new players first get vollied their walls are commonly bombarded with " buy land and build forges level 3!!". Sorry but this is not sound advice. Why? Two reasons: 1.bestiaries offer more troops therefore more attacks per unload. 2. The defensive building allows more plunder than forges. I won't explain plunder because there are excellent threads explaining this. Just keep your options open when you first start building and gather as much information as you can. In the end it's your build and build your kingdom as you desire. 2nd Item: Learning to volley is worth it!! It's a common mistake for the newly vollied player to blow all his gold building. This is my advice: take your first 40mil and volley another player until you can't afford him/her anymore. You'll make a small amount but don't get discouraged!! Do it again and again. Volley other players until you cannot afford them. Your gold will surely start to stack up. Trust me I made over 2bil using this tactic. Now that not may be much but to a new player he will feel like Donald Trump!! There are two ways to find players. The first is to watch WC for the hire me's. The second I learned from an expert vollier. He builds two small attack builds and waits to be attacked by players his size. Instead of retaliating he vollies them!! Mind you he was doing this while doing his resets and either used an alt to keep or a friend, like me, to keep. Very handy tactic. Well I hope I was able to enlighten any visitors to this thread. I enjoy helping those who are sincere in trying to learn the game by passing on knowledge of the game as it was passed to me. Any experienced players please contribute or expand on these ideas. I'm always open to feedback. Thanks for reading.
One flaw: you only need one beastiary to allow the 2 extra hits per unload. I agree with cathedrals. They give same defence as forge attack and higher attack then forges defence, and are plunder building. Forge theory is kind of weird, prob just cuz high attack looks cooler than high def is why people say it.
Corny what's corny is you think people will read through that. It's called breaking it up into manageable sections. Also called paragraphs. Like this much easier to read. Also looks a lot better. Like you have a clue about writing a strategy guide. But hey go on with your word walls. See how far you get.
Yeah I only use iPhone as well. And sorry though u ment me. but yeah if you break it up more much easier to read.