I know this is probably a stupid idea, and will get no support, but I'm bored so here it goes. I think world CHAT and the ads of WC should be separated. By that I mean create another type of WC and have it specifically for ads. That way if you want ads(looking for clan/EBs), you go to AdsWC, if you want actual chat you go to WC. This could be enforced by the moderators. Just an idea.
I think the apes should implement a new chat room so we can invite small private groups and not resort to 3rd party apps...
World Chat is for broadcasting messages to a public channel. Which would mean any post is advertising a broadcast message to all of kaw. Ads are what world chat is, whether that is a clan ad, EB ad, or an idea. The problem with multiple global chats are that there is very little real estate to create a new chat window on mobile, without taking away ally chat. And then, who would look there for clan ads? THEORETICALLY: A solution to wc should be registered clan ads, and only members in the clan can push a broadcast advert button. The broadcast would limit the clan to 4 ads per 5 minutes, using a speaker as normal. The ad would have a small "registered" flag. THIS WOULD ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR TWENTY-FIVE MODERATORS (that can't count to 5 in a rolling five minutes anyways) Any unregistered clan eb ads would be spottable, and silenceable.
All I'm going to say is meh The reason they are asking for help is because they need help, if you truly want the ads to stop go and help them finish the epic simple as that. Everyone who is complaining I've hardly ever seen you even try to spark up a conversation in wc, ever. It's too easy talk to people, and it's easier again to reply, nothing is stopping you from reading a message. Also the wc allows for enough messages for you to read and understand with the usual life time of the message being 3-5 minutes. Only limit, is how much speakers you get to talk with a day, which I find very unusual since this is the first and last game, I've seen that limits how much you talk in a public Chanel, this is the reason no one talks, it's nothing to do with fancy ads. I'd want the devs to be coming out with more epics over implementing this feature.