Admins and the Estoc Trials

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _-Aan_allein-_, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Have any of you people that complain after every single war stopped to think? The devs are gathering information from every single war that takes place. They have made small changes to try to tweak the system during the trials. Do you really think they are going to implement every single change they have up their sleeves before season two even happens. IMO they are going to fix the problems with the matchup system and all the other things all of you complain about like little girls. If you had a business, which KAW is, would you put out ALL of your ideas right away or wait? I personally would wait. Yes, they are making money off the wars, but you don't have to play this game. It is your choice to play. Once again I say the devs most likely have a fix for most of these problems, but we probably aren't going to see all of them until the start of season two. I could be wrong, it's just my opinion.
  2. That post was up there with the most irritating things said, including that guy who lost the superbowl and said "at the end of the day, it's just a game"
  3. Including it wouldn't be clever to make drastic changes to matching before the start of the season.
  4. Think about this. The devs know there is problems with the system. Everyone knows they have had plenty of feedback about it. Do you all honestly think they will do nothing about it and have people quit the game because the war system is jacked up? Everyone says the devs are just money hungry. Well if they are as money hungry as everyone says there is no possible way they will let the issue continue. They know people will quit and that is a loss in revenue. Think about the things you say before you say them. Saying the devs are money hungry but won't do anything about a flawed system they know will lose them revenue is contradicting yourself. But most people wouldn't catch that when they say the devs only want money.
  5. Good lord every weekend there is a match up thread. They know the issues exist. Also you fools who keep posting know the DEVS are not reading you cries. Give up all ready. If you don't like the match up system dont get in a war. If you choose to war deal with it till its fixed. Just shut your pie holes.
  6. @SurroundSound: in one of your posts it looks like you hated what I had to say, then the very next one it looks like you agree. I agree with both of your posts. Yes, it is irritating to think that the devs may already have a fix for the issues "WE" the KAW community have brought to their attention and it hasn't been fixed yet. But think of it from a business stand point. If you ran a business like KAW, and had issues but you knew you could keep revenue flowing by slightly tweaking that system a little at a time while still making money, would you fix it right away? I think you would do exactly what has been done.

    On the other hand I agree with your second post also. In the event that the devs do not have a viable fix it would not be smart to implement HUGE changes to the matching algorithm shortly before season two starts. Once again you have to look at it from a business stand point. Do you implement a HUGE "fix" mere weeks before the launch of season two? Well you have to weigh your options. If the fix works then you have solved the issues with the war system. If the "fix" doesn't work, you possibly mess the system up bad enough that it cannot be fixed before the launch.

    Taking all this into account, I still honestly believe the devs will have the problems, the majority of them at least, fixed by the time season two kicks off.

    Please feel free to post your thoughts here. I didn't make this thread to make the devs look good or to make the players angry. I made this post to be a place people could write down their thoughts and they could be discussed without people just complaining about the flawed war system. I know that the devs are working to fix the problems. How do I know this you ask? Because it is their business. If you ran a business and knew you had problems with it, you would work to fix the problems even if the business was running somewhat smooth with the problems. There is always room or improvement.
  7. The devs have had plenty of time collect the information they need to work out a system in time for season two
    Then why have they continued down the same road With the same results
    I love doing war and will continue but I also see that the devs have dug a hole and are struggling to get out of . Numbers of clans taking part in test wars have not increased same clans every week giving same information.
    When a clan runs there first war they will get pummelled from experienced clan resulting in them deciding not ti take further part which means we going to have same results as test wars or walk overs
  8. Even with the same 25 or 30 clans warring every week, they get new info. Players stats are always changing due to upgrades, allies being bought or sold, items being upgraded or new items being gained. Clans being matched with different clans because of CS change, BFA change or BFE change. Also I am sure the DEVS focus on different numbers from war to war. They are working the issue, we all know that they are.

    As I stated above, I believe the devs will have the problems mostly fixed for season two. Common DEVS, fix the problems, don't make me pull my foot out of my mouth LOL!
  9. U keep believing Alan I'm sure the tooth fairy and Easter bunny will come to the devs rescue
  10. Didn't you see that movie "Rise of Guardians"? The Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, The Sandman and The Boogey Man are all real!!!! LOL!
  11. The devs are and have been working the issues. We all just gotta have faith.
  12. A little encouragement never hurt anyone! Com'on devs, I know you have it in you!!