Just a thought, but personally I'd like to see a feature that helps clear a bit of the newsfeed when its cluttered with clan notifications about requests to join, when players join, and when players leave. I just dislike when I am inactive for a few hours and am off during high traffic hours (lots of people coming and going), and come back to 50 notifications, and its all purely people coming and going, and I'm never sure if I missed something actually important like hits or hires, things like that. Im aware of the different filters in the notifications, but does the newsfeed on Android hold and display more than 50 at a time? Because if so I've never seen more than 50, its always maxed at that number for me. I'm just unsure if something other than clan traffic couldve been in the middle, and just got pushed out of the window my newsfeed allows me to see. Would it be possible/ a good idea to be able to delete notifications, or perhaps toggle traffic notifications ? Just throwing out some words, I hope it makes sense, sorry for the block of text, if i mispelled anything, and for the lack of bb codes, I'm too lazy on my phone to do so. If anything I said didn't make sense please feel free to ask and I'll clarify what I mean. I'd love to hear feedback from you all.