Active reading!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Hello, I see you have wandered down to this little area called "FanFiction." Not a lot happens here, but, until then, this thread should help you greatly when looking for stories that become buried under the trash threads that get thrown down here.

    I will update this regularly.


    (Regardless of time)

    Treaty of writers

    Battle Camp; The Rebellion - By Lady-M

    Dragon Tales - By Utho




    The story of the beatle -By Archer

    The Last World -AshesofEden

    A heart set aflame - By LoveAndrea

    Shard of the Past - by AbyssDragons

    The Valiant Knight Tales -By AJ

    Shock and Awe- By SadisticSnowman

    Voyage to Damas - By Za_killer

    Legend of the Nomads - By scribbles

    Short stories:

    PPA #1 - By Princess Bacon

    PPA #2 - By Princess Bacon

    The Gamble - By Khajiit

    The KaW story - Collaborative - By some of KaWs writers.

    Fight or Flight - By SadisticSnowman


    The March - By -Static-

    Hearts of led - By PrincessBacon

    Hair trigger - By lordZeth
  2. Double Reserved!! :p
  3. Bump to top.