Account resets no longer supported by ATA

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MR_Un1V3r5E_ThE_MaCHiNE, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. As of today, it is impossible to reset your account to a clean starting slate. I'm not sure why this has occurred, but it is a universal policy across the ATA games.

    My main thought is that this no longer allows players to leave the game is a blank state, removing their account from the game field. This also is a privacy issue as resetting and deleting the application removed the ability of others to message your account. It also theoretically dis-allows residual data to linger. With a reset, your fully leave the game space.

    With the new policy, reset bombs are a thing of the past. No longer can accounts remove massive amounts of gold in one button, taking away a well used war strategy.

    Also, it removes the "I'll farm you til reset" threat, which was a fun kaw past time now in the bygone era.

    What about you? Do you feel resets should be re-instated? Or do you prefer a game where you can never remove your account from the battle, active or not?
  2. I'm not happy about the loss of reset bombs, but, there are still options for farmers, such as saying "I'll farm you until you drop your build to something I can't hit"
  3. I enjoyed the ability to reset and get rid of all the junk equipment from past hunting events :p
  4. ATA is killing kaw the number of people are on a steady decline!!!!!
  5. Nice job ATA.
  6. Instead of fixing issues they change this

  7. Lmao. Since accounts can no longer be reset, the numbers will always be in the positive growth from now on.
  8. Is this a troll... There's a reset button on my profile still... Am I missing something?
  9. Go ahead and try it. Its not a troll attempt.

    You'll get a message that says account resets are no longer supported by ATA.

    I'd post a screen cap, but I don't do photobucket
  10. Considering they reset my old account for me due to inactivity thanks ATA ur doing a real solid here
  11. Yeah, not trying that.
  12. I'm honestly tempted.
    I'll hop on my alt and try.
  13. It's true I tried on a stateless alt
  14. They tell you to create a new ATA or facebook account then delink your current device to create a new account.

    Since this was silently implemented, im wondering if there's a law enforcement angle to this for data record keeping
  15. Just tried. The only way to remove an account is to validate another with Facebook and then disconnect your current one.
    I suppose this is to limit the hordes of statless alts.
  16. Every account would have a new registered email address.. So it would seem data repository would be the key here. I'll go through TOU and see if anything has changed
  17. This must of been implemented to protect the top LB players with the rise of people quitting the game. Can't have them losing trillions in resets now can we.
  18. Oh go straight to hell ATA 

    Your customers have been practically begging you to fix specific aspects of the game and instead you waste time on this ****?!
  19. This basically eradicated the PC game completions leaderboard. It will never be able to be a frontier to compete, now that resets are locked.

    Worst of all, now you won't be able to have a defense towards being stripped. Reset toads were awesome. Now that it's disabled, it ruined a great tactic of war. :(
  20. Thanks a lot ATA with all the things that you could change you choose this?! I am not happy about this at all for this changes aspects of OSW now we can no longer use reset bombs.
