Accidentally Joined EE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Eagle, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. How do I get out of EE? I accidentally cast the Opt in Mithril spell, and it says "your clan has been signed up" how do I turn it off?
  2. There's no way to uncast it.

    Leave your clan or prepare for the war.
  3. ProTip:

    Sucks to be you.
  4. Ull b fine if your clan doesnt meet 35 members b4 war.. If not u have to leave clan :?
  5. It will not sign us up anymore?
  6. Can I wait till after Ebs done? Rofl
  7. Probably. War starts tomorrow so yes
  8. Just don't get more than 30 ppl in clan
  9. That is not even close to a tip. But I can give you a valid one drgnmaster.

    Noob Tip: don't post if you have nothing relevant to contribute to the topic.
  10. Ill just leave
  11. It doesn't sign your clan up, it signs you up.
  12. BURN Way to go bunny
  13. So me vs a whole clan? 
  14. Yes you vs whole clan. Matchups are done. It's you vs RCA. Good luck bro 
  15. Lol this is just one reason why I made the proposal on the devs forum update. Show it some support as it solves so many issues like this page 14 
  16. Who will win? My bets on Eagle
  17. U signed up for yourself not for the clan, the only way is leave the clan,
  18. I was fine with veil system. Just had to get your clan disciplined. If this was like system war where u could see the roster id love it.