[Color=VioletRed) Note: this was just a random idea that I thought of yesterday. I am just wondering if it might work. And if it is possible, if anyone would ever do it. This is probably going to be a fail. [/Color] Idea One Is there a way we can turn Plunder Wars into Mithril Plunder Wars- or mpwars? Is it possible? I think it is. And here is how. There's two clans. One is a normal clan, Clan A. The other is an OSF clab, or Clan B. Before a war, some powerful Clan A members or mercs will go join Clan B. The players should balance out the prestige, making Clan B the same or higher Prestige than Clan A. War is declared. When the war starts, the mercs and former Clan A members that are in Clan B: Do NOT do anything. Nothing at all. They do not join the war. They just do other things like hit random people in neither of the clans. But they do NOT attack or spy Clan A. They stay uninvolved. At the end, Clan A forfeits the war, like an ordinary pwar. The OSF gets mithril. Mercs can leave, and former Clan A members can return. The prestige of the OSF clan gets higher, and will make it easier to get it to a high enough prestige. Idea Two Clan A starts a war with Clan B. No mercs or Clan A members present. As soon as war starts, have Clan B spy and assassinate Clan A. Wait until the war is over- forfeited by Clan A or won by Clan b- and the prestige of Clan B will rise. Do this until prestige is high enough, and refer to Idea One, but don't bring in mercs or Clan A members. So I am sure this is flawed. And even if it is a loophole, I am NOT a pwar fan. I am just suggesting it. And I might be known as the person who saved kaw or destroyed it. Probably the latter. So why am I doing this? I am bored, and kaw deserves to know if there is a loophole. And it is kind of fun how a minor may have outsmarted the devs. Peace out, fellow KaW'rs! And insult me and farm me because I wasted a few minutes of your life! But seriously- please do not farm me.
But the osfs were in it for the cash so they could upgrade and stuff. With Mithril, there's no way to upgrade.
I thought the same thing, but didn't have the balls to say it. I might've been the one who started the mwars 0.0 but, it's not me
Here was my idea: Clan A = OSF Clan B = regular players The moment war starts, osfs steal regular players. After 24 hrs (legit time to forfeit) you forfeit. Regular players get the mithrils for whatever they want
You guys are under the mistaken impression that OSFs spend large amounts in pots. Not the case. I think a Mithril War should be a prerequisite of any real war with the stronger player loading up on the stuff for real war. Thing is nobody actually knows what the conversion rate for awarding mithril is going to be.
Don't give people smart ideas. I didn't like the way people abused the pwar system. I'm glad the devs killed them. Don't bring them back.
NO the whole reason they updated to myth wars was because noobs ruined the game with pws dnt go looking got ways to revive pws sheesh
Look at clan Mithril War, they got mithril payout, the OSF left the war after 2 hours. Therebye automatically forfeiting. So there is an exploit. You can get mithril with a short war. Our clan is testing based on a full 48 hours. To see how much we get. Clan A- 1100 prestige Clan B- 1000 prestige. We shall see.
I used 3 mithril spell and turned my spies into dreadnoughts. hit for 150+ on haunting and made 4 bill in 2 hrs. I'll take your mithril if u don't want it lol
Thats a good point. Has anyone done an m war yet? wonder how many of the things u get for a war? Cause the osf can make his money back with them in eb's.