A Warrimg Guide~

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KI_-ADRIEL-_SS, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. This is a KaW Warring Guide... By:The_EpicNess

    Starting wif: ->War Slang ->Types of war ->preparing for war ->Utilizing Resources ->Tips and Advice ->War Builds ______________________________________

    ×War Slang×

    Slang is commonly used in war as you are often in a hurry and need to get things out quickly. The following are some common war terms.

    Pin- To make someone "Too weak"

    Sit- To keep someone "Too Weak"

    DTW- Defender Too Weak

    Regen- To get more troops

    Full- To have full troops

    Xstal- Using a crystal from the oracle.

    Scout Bomb- To scout someone a lot

    Assa- To assassinate someone

    Plunder- The amount of gold you make from an attack/war

    Tax- The amount of gold taken away in war

    Strip- "Dirty Tactic"- To hire someone's allies and take gold

    Pots- Battle items from The Marketplace.

    NP- Not Pinned

    P- Pinned or pots

    F- Full

    PS- Pure Spy

    OSF- Open Secret Farm

    Lurk- Being in a chat without talking

    Mercs- "Dirty Tactic"- Players brought in from outside a clan to war.

    Next are some common war phrases. The phrases may be confusing, but they're used often and as such are "need to know" info.

    12/48- If you see two large 2 digit numbers side by side it's usually how many troops you have out of your max troops. To double check this, the second number is always larger then the first.

    "Enemy's name" 3/4 10p- If you see a name followed by 2 one digit numbers (usually) it will be how many successful attacks you made out of how many attacks you finished on that person. The number beside that will often be how many pots they have.

    Everyone Xstal!- If you hear someone say "everyone Xstal" it means to use a crystal. You do this to jump ahead to a big lead suddenly.


    @Types of War@

    There are 3 common types of war. These wars have specific rules and such in them. These types of war are not run by the war system, they are run by the clans participating in the war.

    Friendly War

    Friendly Wars are meant to be fun for all members of the clan. The rules here are strict, and you need to follow them or you risk being kicked from your clan. Some common Friendly War rules are:

    1) No Trash Talking 2)No Stripping 3)No Mercs 4)No WC Targeting 5)No Crystals (Sometimes) 6)No Pure Spies (Sometimes)

    Hostile Wars

    Hostile Wars are often used to settle disputes between people or clans. There are no rules in Hostile Wars and they often go on for weeks. These are by far the most grueling wars and you don't want to be caught in one unprepared.

    Plunder Wars

    Plunder Wars are a great way to make money. Basically, One clan has pure spies (usually around 5) and the other clan attacks them. These wars are rather boring and leave a negative mark in your war history but are good for money. There are very few rules for these wars but here they are:

    1)No spying the OSFs 2)No opening them on WC 3)No inviting friends (Sometimes)


    Preparing for War

    There's a small checklist of things that you should always have before a war. If you are missing 3 or more of the items from the list maybe you should reconsider joining the war.

    At least 100 of all defense, attack, spy attack, and spy defense pots. (250 for a hostile war)

    Max Plunder

    An appropriate warring build

    6 Health Crystals (optional)

    Time to be active (delay your dinner date to next week, maybe call in sick)

    Also, before you join a war you want to make sure you have a couple things done first:

    0 gold out

    Full troops

    If you have all of the above, you have a high chance of doing well and an ok chance of being a top raiser. You are now set and ready for the war!:)


    Utilizing Resources{|xxxx|}========>

    Health Crystals

    You should use your crystals sparingly as you're only allowed 3 crystals every 24 hours in a war. There are really only 4 situations where you should be using a crystal:

    1. You are pinning an active target. 2. You are winning just about all of your attacks on someone: 3. One of the enemies has left money out and can be stolen or attacked. 4. It is near the end of the war or the 24 hour mark.

    If you do end up using a crystal I'd also recommend doing the following:

    1. Let your clan mates know that you're crystaling.

    2. Ask for an active target to dump your troops on before crystaling.

    3. Make sure that no one is actively attacking you (You don't want to crystal just to lose your troops to the enemy right away.)


    You can use nobility to regenerate your troops, however, they count towards your daily three crystals. Most people use their nobility points in war for "Dirty Tactic"-Stripping money. This will help free up enemy money.


    ~Tips and Advice~

    There are a few things that you should always do in a war that will help you excel:

    Keep Max Plunder

    Hit the targets from clan chat

    Bank your gold in pots

    Report your hits on CC

    If someone's hitting you, tell your clan master or admits.


    War Builds

    There are several kinds of war builds, each having it's own strengths and weaknesses. Here are 3 of the main builds:

    Turtle Build

    A Turtle Build is any build with high defense. These builds give up very little plunder, however, they're tough to gain plunder with. A common turtle build is: 12 defense towers, 10 spy defense towers, 1 guild, and 1 Tier 3 Building.

    Pure Spy/Hansel Build

    A Pure Spy build is a build with 24 Guilds, while a Hansel build is a build with 23 Guilds and 1 Tier 3 Building. A pure spy cannot be attacked with no money out, however generates low plunder. A Hansel build gives high plunder but it is very unlikely to win with in an attack. Also, a Hansel Build is unattackable by others unless they are a Hansel build (or close to) as well. Now the war depend on you and your clan... Good Luck:)
    ~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________
  2. Tkx for reading this guide and enjoy the coming wars!! :)
  3. Good guide bud! Only thing I would change is pot amounts. Wouldnt war with less then 2k of each
  4. There's already an OSW and SW guide stickied which IMO is much better than this. Nice try tho.
  5. I have read some bits and pieces of your guide in others that were made a while back. Do it better or don't do it at all. I agree with reddy, nice try though, it's informative for people who haven't already read the more popular guides. :geek:
  6. Tkx guys~ This is my first time doing a forum... I'm using an android phone and the words goes all over the place... There shud be some paragraph probs too... Haiz...
  7. No such thing as a dirty tactic, unless your talking about hacking someones account. This isn't thedays of war were you just stand and shoot at each other.
  8. Stripping allies is a dirty tatic...
  9. Y is it dirty if its part of the mechanics?
  10. Corsair, a dirty tactic could be infiltrating their ranks with cherry pies as bribes in an effort to wage blueberry short cake war. In this conflict, the opposing team would be short handed in short cake as a result of eating too many cherry pies and getting fat. Therefore, you would win this conflict.
  11. ? What happened to my shortcake?
  12. Technically stripping isn't a dirty tactic..all is fair in war unless it's agreed between clans that there will be no stripping..Though war is a lot more fun when there are no rules. :twisted:
  13. Stripping is the best tactics what better way to demoralize a target?
  14. Pretty good guide. 
  15. Only 100 pots? :| good for a first guide though
  16. I got like 10k in each pot... Errm lols