Hello fellow players. This is an apology letter. Please don't read it is kind of private. Thanks. Dear LordChancellor. I am sorry I farmed you and called you a NOOB. I apologize for wrecking your clan info and booting ur members. People might call me a faggot or ultra NOOB for doing that. And maybe even for doing this. I just want you to know I am so sorry and would like you to accept me into your clan. I have the art I created copies and pasted so you haven't lost anything. Sorry if this letter has bored you but you are a friend I can not afford to lose as you are active and loyal. Please accept this letter of apology. My pledge: I pledge to help and protect LordChancellor in times of need and depression. If wars shall proceed with your clan I shall bow down not only with my head but with my heart and soul. My life is entitled to you in this pledge. Our clans shall form an alliance till the end of the time that man knows, and it shall still live on then. My pledge to protect. Thank you