A True(or Not so True) Hunter's Story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snoopy, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. If you are not a hunter this may not appeal to you, however I am not a hunter yet I hunted so I guess I am, but it still may not appeal to me.

    It all started this morning, it was around 9am or so and I was in my stand. I was sitting in my stand thinking of all the things I could've been doing instead of wasting time in this cold, hard stand that my friend had so convinced me to sit in with a gun I had only shot twice before. While I am a slight hunter, I am a squirrel and dove hunter, I decided it was time for my first deer hunt.

    I prefer rifles, in fact I had only shot a shotgun a few times for funzies.

    Anyway I was in my stand about to get down when I say the most magical creature I had ever seen in my life(bolded wording is in British accent for effect). It was a huge mopnster, a 20 point with an 18 inch spread and that weighed 238 lbs. I grabbed my gun and I fired upon its shoulder area.

    It dropped dead.

    So as I was staring at my accomplishment, I did what any law abiding citizen would do, cll the Game warden.

    So when the game warden got there he said "Great job."

    But thats not all he said... he asked something I will never forget, "May I see your hunting license and tags?"

    Well I had never thought of buying tags, so long story short, I had to pay a $250 fine and pay an extra 350 for the deer back, plus the mount.

    But it was worth it :ugeek:

    Happy Hunting!
  2. Why did you kill an innocent deer? Animals have rights. Killing animals should be illegal.
  3. I would lean towards not so true since you said you dove hunt but had only fired a shotgun a few times
  4. Your mom

  6. Hunting a animal without a license, could get you jail time.

    I swear IG is filled with complete idiots these days. They should just disband.
  7. I had a license, just no tags babe, just read the thread, lub you.


    Your mom
  8. ^I remember when I was in grade school and used "your mum" as an insult.

    Good times... We aren't 4 anymore, bud.
  9. bu i wanna b fou agen..


    I am over 21


    your mom :cool:
  10. Trust me IG is filled with 4 year olds now. All of these hard ball clans are owned by 4 year olds.
  11. and I'm a navy seal who made 40K last year.

    You can be anything in the internet... Why'd you become a twelvie?

    Btw, I had an intimate relationship with your sister.

    Hab gud dai ;)
  12. Deez nuts should be illegal
  13. She did say she was pregnant.... hmm
  14. Too much Destiny, you should get out more
  15. Why were you hinting at 9:00? Wouldnt the sun be up? They wouldn't be out then. I say not true
  16. Sanctity of life bro
  17. A 20 point hmmm seems very reasonable but only 238 pounds that is where the story gets suspicious, i would expect a 20 point to be atleast 250-255 pounds, i also sense no correlation between hunting with a rifle and shooting a shotgun, but the fact you go dove hunting makes me think you're actually telling the truth so.

    P.s. It seems like the secret to hunting is to be out there at 9 bright n early.