A thread for frog 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Jul 7, 2015.

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  1. Well as frog is happy to trash other people's respectful posts to disrespect the dead of their nation.
    And of course won't follow to discuss in private message respectfully these thoughts.

    I thought I would give him a dedicated thread to complain on about the state of media affairs here.

    No not that sort.

    The lack of coverage of terror events in the Asian world.

    Apparently we are unaware of these events as it wasn't worth reporting on here. Damned ignorant pigs that we are ( I sense a good relationship forming Kermit and miss piggy an all that ).
    Well actually it was, but frog would not know that not being here.

    Then there is his clear hatred of white people. "Who cares if a few white people have been killed ?"

    Well I for one do.
    I also find frog highly offensive. Due to his inability to understand others opinions and respect them.
    He seems incapable of showing empathy for his fellow human beings.

    I find great sadness in the waste of any life through acts of terror and war.
    Well actually through any act of violence.
    But I guess it is easy to mouth off depending upon what you have lived through.

    I feel sorry for frogs family loss.
    I can empathise with that all to well, as my family have suffered loss due to the same causes.

    He is right that is not thread appropriate. That's highly personal and shall remain so. Though I have done threads to aid awareness of the disease and things that may help.

    I would love to see more of frogs threads were he shares his experience of life and can give us a greater understanding of life in his part of the world I think it would be an excellent idea for a thread were people can freely discuss what daily life is like, wherever they may be from.
    Whether it be the daily grind of life. Or the pressures that face them.
    The only way we can truly relate to others is to understand and converse with them. And a social app is the best place for that.

    So my dear frog. Over to you. Please do explain your resentment of the western world.
    Please explain why any life is worth more than another.
    Please do post more threads to alert us of newsworthy events. I honestly want to know of them.
    And please. Keep it respectful so that the community on kaw may have an insight to your understanding of life in Asia and how it differs from life here for example.
    We can relate experiences and hopefully players can understand others cultures better through this sort of thread.
    And keep this discussion off a thread that it is not appropriate to discuss this on.
  2. He sounds like a crazy radical feminist or social justice warrior.

    Aka a cancer to Any society.
  3. I for one wonder why he hates white people that live in Britain.
    It seems for a logical place for them to live to me.
    It also sea logical to me that more in Japan identify as being Japanese.

    Also it seems logical that terror events in nations are reported locally more than internationally, and obviously that those affected from their nation would want to pay their respects to their fallen.

    I also wonder why he feels it is acceptable to trash talk another nations memorial thread.
    When he would be furious if it were his thread and for example I were trash talking on it and disrespecting the dead of his nation ( something thankfully I would never do out of respect for all human life ).
    I truly want to understand what makes a person so bitter and resentful of his fellow man.

    So frog please answer and enlighten us as to why, without your input we can only assume you are being rude for the sake of it
  4. TO;DR, frog is reasonable if you actually converse with him instead of straight up flaming.
  5. Trying to have a meaningful discussion on the forum of a near mindless phone game is as futile as the "Your Voice..." threads.
  6. Gotta love you Westerners and your overacting. "You think American sniper is a piece of propaganda bs? Well, then you must be Satan who wants all the military to die" Get off your high horse, I simply said that terrorists events seem to get much more press when white people are involved, a fact that is sad but true.

    Notice how the thread OP had no problem with me being on it, but you found the need to make all this for pretty little me. Shake it off, mate.
  7. In Asia, it's so hot that they do everything in bikinis..

  8. Ashes favorite gif:

  9. Westerners don't appreciate their free speech. Try living in a country without it for a while and you would soon change your tune.
    Free speech means respecting the fact that not all opinions are gonna be the ones you want to hear.

    Just to clarify:

    At no point in that thread did I directly insult the victims, saying they deserved to die or anything like that. All I said was terrorist attacks get a lot more attention when they occur in a predominately Caucasian culture. If you can't handle that simple statement then I don't have time for you.
  10. I'm pretty sure they are from UK and not the United States :lol:
  11. Wouldn't be surprised if frogs stupid enough to believe they are the same thing
  12. Wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't tell your head from you're rear. Nothing in the OP's comments on this page indicates his nationality. It's a mute point anyway. It would be more embarrassing if he were British, with their anything goes, paparazzi rags.
  13. If nothing in op indicates a nationality why would you just assume American? And if we take his forum history into account it indicates he is British, seems more believable that you can't tell your head from your rear then that I can't.
  14. And by the way, OP, you are a big fat liar. No where in that thread did I say I hated white people. All I said, was that if the terrorist act had happened in a predominately non-white, country, it would have been forgotten to history.
  15. @V

    Well, he just assumed I hated white people. I am sorry if lumping Brits in with Americans is so offensive to you. I'll go edit the post since it means so much to you.
  16. Doesn't mean anything to me, I'm just a loudmouth who needed to kill 5 minutes of free time

  17. Am I missing something here? I looked at the other thread and I don't see Frog saying any of this. (I do see him being a bit of an ass, but that wouldn't be the first time.) Where exactly does he say, "who cares if a few white people get killed?"

    OP, if you are going to call out another player, you should be damn sure what you are saying is factual. It seems in your own hatred for frog you started to put words in his mouth.

    If I were you, OP, I would get this locked before it gets you forum banned.
  18. The man of the kaw media has spoken.
  19. Frog, if you read the other thread you would've seen that Chaos said some of his family members were aboard the train. So that's where his nationality comes into play, I don't understand the bringing in of a different country. Like if I compared China to Japan, doesn't make any sense
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