So in the spirit of Easter, I let my mind wander a bit and came up with this argument regarding a topic, and I'd like the opinion of some of forums more knowledgeable people who would enjoy engaging in a spirited debate. To jump right in, Question #1 Do you believed in zombies? (This debate is going off the fact that the answer to this question is "No") Question #2 Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? (This debate is going off the fact that the answer to this question is "Yes") Question #3 What's the difference? In technicality, the resurrection of Jesus meets the literal definition of a zombie, he rose from the dead. (This is where you, the Forumer, come in. I'd like your thoughts and opinions on this topic and in response to question #3) Please let's try and have an educational debate regarding the topic of this specific question, and not vary off to the topic of the existence of God or not. xtreme Happy Easter
Th difference by most definitions of a zombie is a decomposing body brought back from the dead, who's sole purpose and food is humans while Jesus literally came back as himself not spas something that eats brains, personally I bier live in theory that God can exist but not in him, nor his son Jesus' existence
I do believe in some way a form of zombies are possible, not in the sense that we make them out to be. I do think there could be a parasite that chooses host of the dead and could make them mobile. But I do not think that zombies would be the main threat as much as the parasite adapting to take host in healthy bodies. And as far as the second, well I'm not getting into any religious debate.
Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead after he had been dead 4 days, no decomposition, Jesus rose from the dead after spending 3 days in hell, no degradation or decomposition so technically not undead or a zombie
No and no. I always thought schools shouldn't teach religion. They put it over as if the stories are fact and true, and children believe it. They are so young they just accept it as would people hundreds of years ago who knew much less than we do now. I see no difference, it's just controlling the weak minded. Whether it's a child of modern day or an adult from the BC era. The only reason religion is about is from a higher power trying to control the weak minded.
Your comparing a cheap, empty joke from joliud to what many believe is their savior. This thread is gonna be ripe for a flamming fest real fast. I suggest a lock.
Simple. Jesus dies then becomes reanimated, but doesn't die again, just ceases to be reanimated. Zombies become reanimated, then once they lose their head, they cease to be reanimated. Long and short is Jesus is a zombie because of the transitive property.
What Xtreme meant to say was "I want to descend forums into chaos with another religious debate and I in no way deny this" :mrgreen:
No, no, and Jesus "was"/"is" a supernatural being/God so were as zombie is a decaying dead being that is in a way reanimated, Jesus is a fully rejuvenated super being. Depending on your take of zombies as they have different traits depending on the lore, as well as your interpretation of Jesus, who also has different traits depending on your sect/cult. I mean depending on your denomination/religion.
i will just say this if i am.right i will spend my life in heaven relaxing walking on street of gold if i am wrong well i will never know BETTER TO TRY SOMETHING SO GREAT AND FAIL THAN TO HAVE NEVER TRIED AT ALL I LEAVE YOU WITH GAL 6:3
No to the first question - I guess the reason is a little obvious. No to the second question - this is because my belief is that Jesus did not in fact die on the cross. John 19:54 (ESV) But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. To me, "at once" seems to suggest that blood and water came gushing out - if Jesus had in fact died, his heart and subsequently his circulatory system would have stopped functioning. It's with this in mind, that this verse seems to suggest he's still alive. There's also the fact that Jesus was reported to have only been on the cross for around 6 hours - normally crucifixation takes several days to kill the victim. So surely he could have survived for 6 hours? So no, I don't think he was resurrected, but rather he awoke from a coma.
Zombies rise from the dead and go hunting for human flesh to eat. Jesus arose from the dead and assented to the heavens to take his seat at the right hand side of his father God. To compare Jesus to a zombie is like comparing Ned Flanders to the Devil. Get real OP before its to late and you end up going south. Praise Jesus and thank Jesus for giving his life up, so that we could live. Now enjoy the rest of your Holiday God bless all