A Thank you message to 3 players! :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sean893, May 4, 2015.

  1. This thread is a thank you message of dedication specifically dedicated to three players:




    Message #1

    Dear LHL_LegendaryHero_LHL,

    When we first became friends on 2 November 2014, you are the first ever moderator in my Kaw life to follow me, it was also one of the most joyous days. With your starting smile on our first conversation, it made me jumped so hard with joy and run with some happy-celebrative style moves. The thought of becoming friends with a moderator makes me feel that I can finally share my ongoing things and stories to you in Kingdoms At War.

    However, after the first few days until almost now I was afraid to chat with you, unlike my other friends. The reason being is because I had the fear of getting silenced. The fear that whenever we begin to make a conversation with each other, the moment I happen to say out words that I didn’t mean to hurt you, gets me silenced by you just because of that.

    Till that one day, I finally mustered the courage to open up to you about my new volunteering event and the next thing I didn’t expect, you didn’t just volunteer but also kindly asked your dear clan mate to help me complete the last parts of my epic battle thread.

    Hero, that is not all however. I have noticed so many positive things behind you and that I would like to express it on my own words as a friend:

    From the outside, you seem to be very strict and mad. But from deep inside, you are a very kind and caring person. Having a patient and understanding character, I feel that you have treated players with respect and fairness not just around your clan but also all around Kingdoms At War. (which I wasn’t able to see it on my own eyes since I’m not in your clan).

    In fact, forums would never be a better place without you alongside the other moderators like Eagle and Daphnia. Not a day will go by where the players won’t start thinking of you positively. I wish I could see more and talk more good things about you, and I couldn’t thank more feeling blessed to be your friend. I also wish that my fear of chatting-to-silence will go away and see you smile again. And I wish that many more players would see the kind and valiant character that you are showing in the past and even now.

    Thank you again LHL_LegendaryHero_LHL, for making a positive difference to the community and me as well. I wrote it on this colour since I think that would be your favourite color as well. Here ends my first ever “thank you” thread message to you. I hope you liked it! :)

    Message #2

    Dear JadeJennyLim,

    For over a year we have known each other in Kingdoms At War. Words alone are not enough for me to express how much I thank you. You may be like every other player who shows basic kindness to all around the world, but deep down you have a unique character that I really loved and admired. I have seen you opened up with one new player walling you outside of your clan and you replied back with a happy note.

    That is not all again however, and you showed the positive character yet again in Kingdoms At War. In the Starfall: Rush of the Shards Event you held on and continued stealing and attacking my kingdom as I needed you to. I know it that you would receive far more less incomings than I do since I normally speak in World Chat and in forums. This is the moment where I really need you to win the awards instead of me since I have gotten so much attention from other players wanting to attack me as well. When the event ended, I slept with 850+ shards and woke up with 241 remaining. Receiving hundreds of incomings from many players, I didn’t win anything at all in the end but my wish to helping you win the awards has came true.

    JadeJennyLim, though I usually write long messages to you like always through paper and others, this marks my first time writing it on forums for you. I wrote it because I feel that you should be recognized for your unique, sweet personality that makes everyone smile, similar to my personality as well! I wouldn’t want you to have so few friends in Kingdoms At War, so I do hope that by the time players finish reading this they would follow you and make friends with you and that you can learn new things from them and them learn things from you as you have been quiet at the same time.

    To justify this, here's one piece of evidence during the volunteering session when I really need players!

    Thank you again,
    JadeJennyLim! I wrote it on this light blue colour since I know that would be your favourite, too. Cheers to continuing our strong 1 year of Kaw-friendship!

    Message #3

    Dear Rising_Star,

    Like many others, I feel blessed to have a Kaw friend. From the beginning of my first visit to First Diablo, to daily-every day happy chatting, to talking about events, to my personal achievements made in Kaw, I would like to say that you were there for almost EVERY time when I wish to talk to you. Though you may hurt other players occasionally at times, you never showed your anger and unwillingness to me. You support every single step of my Kaw journey that I take, and even worked together on the Patron Saints of War Event to me getting the Top 500 and you the Top 1,000! Rewards may just be a piece of our memory, but our words of private conversations and clan chat messages in First Diablo gave me the time to be happy and relax with you every time this happens.

    One of the most funny memories I can say, is that I occasionally set your kingdom on fire with Anniversary Fireworks and threw stinky puddings at your troops! I laughed so hard when I did that!


    And it was fun, of course! You then returned with five or more steals in return and my spies were no match against your thieves! You easily infiltrated my kingdom and stole my gold too! A very strong player on his own spy build, our unique capabilities have shown to build up our friendship even stronger!

    I would never have a better friend like you, and I can say that on your unique personality no one can replace you in my heart and so I am writing a thread for you so that you won’t feel excluded among all the other players that I wrote a thank you message to. I hope you will treasure this first ever thread that I am writing now to you!

    Oh..and by the way, I didn’t use any bbcodes this time because you posted in forums without codes and I felt that it might hurt your eyes if I did so…Yeah!

    Thank you again, Rising_Star!

    P.S= I still have 16 more Anniversary Fireworks and 144 Spirit Puddings. Someday at the near future when you least expect it, I’ll make sure I’ll be ready to set your kingdom on fire again! Heeee! *smile* :D

    END of thread

    This thread can be locked AFTER ALL 3 players I have written to, have replied to this thread.

    Good day to all 3 of you and everyone else, and Happy Kawing! :D
  2. Hi there Quig! How are you doing today?

    If you did something special for the players or at least to the community, will I then write a special thread for you!

    Happy Kawing!
  3. Frog incoming
  4. From here on, any further quote spam will earn you a forum suspension.
  5. Hero definitely deserves this, great guy.
  6. Ey i am on there

    Thanks for the kind words sean, I do feel like you gave this idiot too much props though. :lol:

    Lets hope many years will follow and I'll check ya later in pm
  7. Thank you!
  8. Yeah, and I fully agree!!

    If no one has been dedicating threads to him, I'd feel very bad. So I thought this would cheer him up! Curious to see Hero's wonderful reply!
  9. Sean stop being so nice. It makes me feel bad about myself.
  10. I don't understand who this Sean dude is. I never see him and now he's some novel writing ecstasy loving hippie
  11. And I thought you were a regular 'round these forums.

    Sean's been a frequent poster, an. His posts are always positive or uplifting and optimistic.
  12. He's been around a bit, he's the forums resident peace and love hippie, personally I've never seen him mad.
  13. I'm not a forum "regular"

    Just leave me to my EB's
  14. How long does this suspension last? I'm guessing just 24 hours..cuase mahoras_mask and a lot of others just constantly do it

    On other note I think this positive forum post should set an example because forums is always so un - positive xD
  15. Define "quote spam"

    And where is this specifically stated in the rules? Why are the rules so unclear? How is anyone to know this is a rule without seeing you post about it here. Most rules are just something made up that is somehow covered by another rule yet isn't stated anywhere.

    How about rewriting the rules so 9 year olds like myself are able to comprehend.
  16. Are you a dev alt? And how are you always so damn cheerful?!?!
  17. Terra is such a butthurt nerd
  18. @Carnage Maybe he's the chemical they use in Prozac?