A Tale of Two Willys

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lINlIOl_LySsA_lITlAlGIl, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. This is the story of a tale of two willys,-TERROR-BadBoy- and IIlIlIl_Vendett4_IlIllll. One day the two decided to go looking for war but what they found was so much more. This story begins with sweet bliss. But listen closely for the dastardly twist.

    Vend comes trolling in making a grand entrance tooting a horn for the greatness of terror. As he rolls out the red carpet he snears your unworthy to be in the presence of this king. For he is the greatest of them all now bow down and kiss his ring.

    Along comes a fair princess,lINlIOl_LySsA_lITlAlGIl, who sees things progress. We understand your in awe of such a great being but please rein it in for we are all on the same team. The smell from your nose being where it shouldn't be has made me nauseous and yet I'm laughing so hard I'm busting a seam.

    The great king has taken offense for he likes Vend's nose right where it belongs . As he is unable to smell the odors so foul since he has been silenced for spewing the same directly from his mouth.

    He attacks the fair princess with all his might hoping the fair princess will cower in fear. But she just laughs and spreads some good cheer. It takes a big man to attack someone so small. You should be proud of yourself for nothing at all.

    The king gets mad and calls her mean names saying she smells like a dead cat. But she's not that vain. She knows her worth and knows what is true. Noone can break her down, not even the two of you. However she stoops to their level and does something back. She states the kings nads do NOT match his stats.

    And the joker Vendett4 is nothing but a hemmoroid in the kings tush. It may have been mean but none of it true. So why all the drama given from these two? Sometimes the things said from a stranger hit close to home and this is why the king has been dethroned.

    Everything was put aside as they started to war. The king finished first with the fair princess directly under. While the joker finished way down in 11th getting very little plunder. Now this story should be over as we go our separate ways but the king and joker are so mad they drag this on for days.

    The king and the joker decide to attack the fair princess with brute force to kill all her defenses. They even recruited others to help in this quest. 4 against 1 hitting with all their zest.

    The fair princess unfazed by this silly quest enlists a group of friends so she can get a little rest. A great white bear, a big bear, tanner, some souls and even a gnome journeyed out to find a new temporary home.

    This group of friends may not be as big or even as strong but they have hearts of gold and with friends like that you can never go wrong. They fight and they pin and give all they have. Laughing and smiling with the fair princess, not letting her be sad.

    Who knows how the end of this story will go. But there's one thing the fair princess already knows. You can burn her defenses and you can strip her clean but you wont ever have friends like these that mean the world to me. No matter what you do i will rebuild. So the way i see it and with all I've got you dear king have already failed.
  2. Hail to the kings Venbaws and Terror
  3. You made a clan, a thread, and a banner about them.. Anything else dedicated to them besides a bunch of scout bombs?
  4. Support
  5. Yes....attks and assasinations. :)
  6. No tl;Dr version. :(
  7. This message is Gñømë approved.
  8. Get Gnome hru?
  9. Hey gnome not get
  10. Ur great man
  11. The moonshines :]as the corn grows
  12. Is this a Role play thread lllTllRllAllNllNllEllRll?
  13. nothing too eXciting cept good rhymes whens the popcorn passing an snacking parts coming?
  14. Chubby? What u talking about?