A Summary of EE War Reforms for Next Season

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 21, 2013.

  1. Well we are in the last week of EE wars, and for the most part it has been enjoyable. However, In order for my clan to have a winning record, some tough decisions had to be made. Some players with splendid HLBC builds had to be turned down because they did not have the correct cookie-cutter “EE build”, and lots of unproven noobs got to war with good clans just because they were guild hansels.

    As the wars went on, I made a number of threads highlighting some improvements for the next round, and even had the devs comment on many of them. Here is a summary of the major reforms that would make the next EE round even more beneficial.

    1. Get rid of tracking.
    Due to overzealous tracking (aided lots by bots and Excel cheats) Many players can barely get one action off before having their face shoved back into KO. This makes for a boring mechanical war. I proposed to give random regen time windows (10-20 min regen) and give players a faster regen time instead of just 1/5 of their total soldiers. Kaw-admin responded by saying they are thinking of introducing player-controlled regen times, meaning the player does not automatically come out of KO, instead comes out when he decides to do an action.

    2. Encourage Steals, Discourage Scouting
    It does not seem very war-like when the battle cry is not “let’s fight!” but “let’s scout.” However EE wars became a place where 80% of all actions were either scouts or assasins(i.e non-plunder producing actions), once again placing an unnatural emphasis on hansel builds over attack builds. I proposed to fix this by drastically lowering the amount of plunder made on a KO, and changing the mechanics where the scouter always loses more troops than the scoutee. In real life boxers don’t make any extra money for KOing their opponent, so why should we? While some people were saying that the mechanic change would make it hard to KO builds, I say, “So what? It should be hard to KO builds. It is ridiculously too easy right now. KO’s should be like touchdowns in football instead of baskets in basket ball: a rare and eventful occurance.

    3. Rework the matching system to include prestige

    As we have learned in EE half the skill is balancing your clan’s bfa so you get a favorable matchup. Since prestige levels are ignored, some newer, weaker clans are constantly matched with the veteran strong clans and have no way to really win a war. For example, HGL War Clan (prestige 943) had to fight WarLor WarHounds (prestige 1063) three times in a row. Meanwhile RCA and Hellhounds couldn’t get a matchup. Here is a no-brainer, devs. Why don’t we screw this bfa/number nonsense and make high prestige clans fight high prestige clans and give loser clans a chance once and a while by fighting other loser clans? Also, why are none of the Warlor clans pitted against each other? After all, they are SEPARATE CLANS. Same goes with RCA and the Hawk clans. Why cater to the monopolies?

    4. Bring in the All Star clans for homeless kingdoms

    Because of the above-mentioned unfair matchups, many clans (the entire oG alliance, for example :lol: ) have given up on EE forcing hundreds of kingdoms to merc, often in clans that have little or no chance of winning. Instead of that, introduce four Dev-controlled All star clans (Harbinger of Wrath, for example) and have those clans war together featuring a motley crew of builds that can finally have a 50/50 chance of winning instead of getting matched with Warlor all the time. This will put more balance and enthusiasm into Kaw as a whole.

    5. Eliminate the guild hansel advantage

    Now since the devs have already said there is a problem and will fix it next time, I won’t delve too deep into this. However I find it highly embarrassing for ATA and highly insulting to the players of Kaw that a player who spent no more than 2.2 T on his build would have any sort of an advantage over a player who spent 6T on his build. It’s ridiculous. They shouldn’t even be warring together. What happened to DTS? And yes,they DO have an advantage, gentlemen. Even the devs admitted it. If they didn’t have advantages, clans like Rising Hawks wouldn’t be using 15-20 of them every time they war.

    My solution? 3.5 mil combined stats or you can’t EE gentlemen. All Star wars had those restrictions, EE could have them too. At the very least, the devs should make guilds pay much better when they get hit by a HLBC build.

    6. Equal time zones
    I personally don’t have a problem with this, being in America and all, but it is probably not good for the overall growth of the game to give fewer warring times to European and Asian kingdoms. I say 4 wars for each time zone.

    7. Other smaller things

    A. Give everyone full troops in the last 10 mins of the war. Let’s end it with a brawl, not a whimper.
    B. Don’t tell us who we are warring until when the war starts. Prevents match throwing like what happened between Zaft Corp and Silver.
    C. Better mith payout for the Paladin EB. As it is, No Match clans get to make a minimum 10 mith profit while losing clans barely get back the mith they spend. Better yet, get rid of the EB and give everyone a 20 mith consolation prize.

    Well, that’s my list for improvements to EE wars for next time. Please note while a good number of them were presented in other threads of mine, some were taken general EE war discussion held in the threads. Please feel free to comment on them as you like. Let’s begin the constructive criticism.
  2. Reserved

    I'm not in favor of including BFE. I don't think this is needed. BFE problem could be solved in two ways.

    1. have high prestige clans war each other. This way clans with lots of equipment will face each other while lower ranked clans with fewer equipment will face each other.

    2. Introduce similar stat equipment outside the system, for example in EBs. This is what I feel Skorpios EBs do nicely.
  3. Shorter seasons is what I want
  4. 7. All sounds good, just top it off with 10 Mith for paladin Eb, and extra for your war actions and so on, so if you fought well you earnt a little profit on Mith.
  5. All good mostly apart from #3. Scrapping numbers and BFA matching would make many very very unfair match-ups.
  6. The problem u encounter is last week all ur good warrers have max rancor and your left with the average lol. Season 2 is gonna be even more competitive
  7. I support most of these.

    One other thing that might be worth considering is, give whichever clan is loosing on the scoreboard at any particular moment in time slightly faster regens, that way the underdog has a slight advantage and it might help to keep scores a bit tighter and therefore make war more interesting.

    Oh and of course include BFE in match ups. I'm sure that a bunch of Worms will argue the toss with this as they always do, but as anyone with half a brain can see any arguments against including BFE in matchups are nonsensical at best and often ridiculous.
  8. I don't agree with num 5 some people need fillers and I can't grow that much
  9. If you match up BFE then all the hours and hours, they put in, all the 100s of billions of gold lost, the RLs disrupted by KaW would be wasted, for nothing.

    There would be a complete uproar, and I'm sure many many people would quit.

  10. Personally, I think we are too obsessed with "fairness". is war always fair? Either way, presetige should be the #1 factor in choosing matchups. Numbers and BFa could play a secondary role after that.
  11. Imagine you are of the top bracket of clans, like the ZAFTies, with large BFA and numbers, and you're surrounded in prestige by the smaller ones like Worms, SOTRA Folk, etc. that also have good prestige. You will destroy all the surrounding clans, whilst the surrounding clans, who are still very good at warring, lose all their wars and Rancor.

  12. If a clan can't collect 25 decent builds then prehaps they shouldn't war. Besides the gh are hardly fillers. Rising Hawks needed 19 fillers to war?
  13. Owen, it will be over quickly like the tower build. Nobody will keep crying.
  14. I never called GH fillers. And I don't want to become that much of a non GH to war
  15. :lol: He asked what happened to DTS. :lol:

    Bro. It's a system war. :lol:
  16. BFE has to be included. It's the one thing causing most of the unequal matches now and that's the reason so many clans have given up already.

    That and the guild hansel advantage are the two biggest problems with EE wars as they stand.

  17. I'm not in favor of including BFE. I don't think this is needed. BFE problem could be solved in two ways.

    1. have high prestige clans war each other. This way clans with lots of equipment will face each other while lower ranked clans with fewer equipment will face each other.

    2. Introduce similar stat equipment outside the system, for example in EBs. This is what I feel Skorpios EBs do nicely.
  18. And bigger players do have advantages over GHs. The bigger player is more likely to defend from a GH than the other way around, and bigger players don't have to use as much pots if any to break through a GH.