A story for the Mods and VK's (some)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -GoldWolf-, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. A long time ago there was a few selected from the gods to go kill legendary beasts.These warriors went to place to place searching for these beasts.They thought they would be separated but they were wrong.They went to the abyss were they found all the beasts and monsters.They were waiting for them. Aj grabbed his crafted weapons from his bag of magical weapons and he gave one to each of the warriors. Karma received an enchanted sword that had the powers of destroying a whole army, Spock received a magic staff that was stronger than most magic items, Sean received an enchanted gauntlet that would make him a warrior mixed with a monster at will, Willy received a ring that would summon a undead army at will, fireball received a ring that would rain fire at will, Bob got a sword crafted from souls that would kill an enemy on sight and AJ gave himself his most priced possession, a bow that would fire enchanted flaming swords.
    PART 2 Karma&Spock vs. Calydor&Zuthermak





    They all charged at the beasts from every direction. Karma fought calydor.Karma was on a rampage destroying all of calydor's army. After Karma cut the last enemy in two Spock shot electricity at Calydor, ruffling his fur. Which made Calydor furious.Calydor charged with all his might at Karma and Karma got hit so hard he went flying 10 yards back and landed on his sword hand.It broke.Spock saw this and he used all his might to shoot a huge bolt of lightning at calydor.Calydor got knocked back 5 feet and got his tusk stuck in the ground. Spock ran over to Karma to see if Karma was ok.Spock was relieved to see that Karma was ok.So they ran over to Calydor and sliced him in two (yes karma helped, even with his broke hand).Then they went after Zuthermak.This giant squid seemed simpler to them but his army was bigger and stronger than Calydor's. Karma ran in and started slicing down Zuthermak's army while Spock was about 50 yards away from the army, zapping them. They made a great combination. After a while of fighting Zuthermak's army they found themselves facing Zuthermak. Started with Zuthermak's tentacles chopping them down 1 by 1. After each of them got many cuts,they finished Zuthermak with a ultimate combo. Spock shot bolts of electricity at Zuthermak while Karma ran straight for its face and stabbed Zuthermak right between the eyes. They had a victory.
    PART 3 Sean&Aj vs.Osaris&Thorak





    Once Sean saw these two monsters he hurried and transformed himself into half warrior and half monster. Then, they charged. They was hoping to challenge them one at a time but with their luck they got to challenge both of them at the same time. They thought of a plan to take them down easily. Sean went after Usaris's army,he practically ran them over. Then, he was face to face with Usaris. Usaris laughed at Sean like he was a high squirrel. Sean laughed along with him but it was just a distraction. Sean tackled Osaris and used his gauntlet to summon his sword. He stroke at Osaris's head but he Osaris dodged it and kicked Sean off of him. Then, Sean yelled fire, Aj fired at Osaris like his life depended on it (which it did). Osaris fell to his knees. Sean finished Osaris off. Then, Thorak got agitated with the lost of his friend. He told his army to charge, they did what they was told. Sean and Aj was trying their best to hold them back. These enemies were made out if rocks how would they beat them. Aj kept firing flaming swords but it took around 3 just to finish 1 of the enemies off and there was still over 100 to go. Karma and Spock seen their struggle and ran over to help them. Spock went over to Aj and started firing lightning at the enemies while Karma went over to Sean and helped him take on the other enemies. Sean were taking them down really quickly with the help of Karma. They finally finished off Thorak's army. Karma and Spock told them to kill Thorak. So, Aj and Sean went over to Thorak and was face to face to him. Thorak knocked Sean back 20 yards (Thorak thought he was the most dangerous target since he was half monster). So, Aj ran around Thorak shooting flaming sword at it. Thorak got weaker and weaker. Then, Sean got up and ran by Aj's side and summoned his sword. He finished Thorak off with one slice. They thanked Karma and Spock.

    PART 4 will be in a different forum post because I didn't want u guys reading for around a hour straight :)

    I will leave a link on this thread so u can easily go to Part 4 if you like the story

    I hope you all enjoyed this story and hopefully our mods and VK's like this story.Remember I will be posting part 4 and part 5 in a different thread if u would like to help me with the other part of the story then pm me, it would be greatly appreciated :)

    I will be posting Part 4 and 5 in hopefully 1-4 days

    **Update**PART 4 is now available to read I hope u enjoy it!!!
  2. I feel like I should be offended...
  3. Moody I tried to make mods and VK's feel better and also do u want to be in the story?
  4. Great story. Do more
  5. So... Is this replacing AJ's VK story threads? LOL
  6. I would have preferred a set of earrings. To go with my chastity belt of protections.
  7. No I just wanted to make a story lol it has nothing to do with other threads.
  8. AJ isn't going to like being paired with Sean. I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into. 
  9. Props to the creativity bud. Players are generally reprehensive about posting anything in forums these days.

    Respect for the courage putting it out there.
  10. Thanks willy :)
  11. AJ: <to Sean> "Should we fire at his head? Or stomach?"

    Sean: "I was thinking of giving him a hug and appealing to his good side."

    AJ: *ran off right after Sean said "hug"*

  12. Lol  This made my day  :)
  13. This. Also, that bag of equipment....I should charge people.

  14. Lol 
  15. Totally gonna ship AJ and Sean now.
    No turning back.
  16. :lol:
  17. I think I know this guy. He changes his name like every month
  18. I haven't changed my name for about 2 months now.I have decided tags are no use.