A story for the mods and VK's (some) PART 4!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -GoldWolf-, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Like I promised part 4 is here!! I hope you enjoy!!Thanks for the posts for story parts 1-3!!I will be making the final part (Part 5) in hopefully a few days!!

    PART 4 Willy&fireball&bobVS. Apheruin&Hawthorn&Moutos







    Bob's Battle

    Willy,Fireball and Bob discussed a plan to take down apheruin's,Hawthorn's and Moutos's armies all at the same time.Once, they came up with the plan,they charged.Bob charged at Apheriun's army since he could capture their essence/soul.He absorbed their souls in every hit. After he absorbed the last ghost's soul he turned to Apheriun. He used his sword to create a tornado that could absorb nearby ghosts or absorb a boss ghost like Apheriun. He whirled his sword around and absorbed Apheriun, which left the mark of the slayer.
    Fireball's Battle

    Fireball easily torched Hawthorn's army since they was made with flammable things. Fireball torched them by the 100s. Fireball finished them up and faced Hawthorn which was much much much bigger than other monsters. Fireball used all of his might to send down a shower off fireballs.Hawthorn was defeated.
    Willy's Battle

    Once, Willy seen Moutos's army he summoned his army of the undead.He screamed "Charge"!! His whole army started running towards Moutos's army of half human and half dragon. Moutos roared and his whole army flew up and started spawning spears and throwing them at his undead army. So,he spawned another undead army but this time he made them have spears and wings.They flew up and started throwing spears also.Then Willy's army had half of them spawn swords to go battle close combat. They demolished Moutos's army. So, Willy charged at Moutos with his army. They fought and fought with Moutos until Moutos was defeated.

    I hope u enjoyed this story and part 5's link will be added soon so you can easily read part 5!! :)
  2. Bbcode got messed up huh? I hate when it cuts off on people.
  3. Not wanting to work atm will be up in a couple of mins
  4. Yeah same here