A Sincere apology to -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AppLeGirL, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Ok. You got me. You get an apology and in return you stop farming me.
    OH. Wait. You’re NOT hitting me. Nevertheless, the thread name implies you will receive an apology and I will keep my word. :roll:

    I’m sorry that this is a war game and you got hit.

    I’m sorry you’re so whiney and butthurt about it. :x :x

    I’m sorry that you think you are of any relevance or significance to myself or Last Rights. You aren’t. Deal with it.

    I’m sorry that in spite of the drivel you write on your wall, literally, no one cares. You’re not bothering anyone. No one is shaking in fear. And no one believes it.

    I’m sorry that your illusions of grandeur are just that – illusions.

    I am sorry that you are completely misguided in your efforts and highly delusional with regard to their impact.

    I’m sorry that you seem completely confused. :? :?

    Let’s clear a few things up.

    • Hitting my clan mates WILL NOT coerce an apology out of me, nice try. Bellemorte isn’t going to kick me out of Last Rights because you’re whiney and crying about a few hits. Not now, not next week, not next month, not next year. Not in the year 2515.
      No one cares
      I’m not “hiding” behind my clan, clan mates, the Pope, or Derek Jeter. I’m right here.
      No one cares
      I’m not “letting my clan mates suffer” We are in OSW. We get hit.
      Your fails aren’t any different than the next guy’s.
      Literally, no one cares.
      I’m not “starting things I can’t finish”.
      You are welcome to hit as often as you’d like. Keep track of your hits. Make a spreadsheet. Keep a diary! Whine on your wall hourly. Create a forum thread with fancy pictures and fonts and videos. Knock yourself out! :geek:
    Last, but not least, I am deeply, deeply, sorry I’ve just wasted 20 minutes of my life I’ll never get back writing this thread. :cry:

    TL:DR version:
    You’re never getting an apology you don’t deserve. You got hit. It’s a war game. Suck it up. :lol: :roll: :lol: :roll:

    This is a wrap. Lock it up. /lock
  2. That's a wrap. Lock it up .
  3. Interesting.
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