A quick snapshot...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DaveStrider-, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Quick, staccato blasts from the guns ripped through the air. I hustled through the trenches, over to the Lutenient. I heard a sharp cry, and jolted to face it just in time to see my best friend fall. I turned to the Lutenient. "Can I go get him?" I asked. "If you want," he said, "but it wont be worth it. He'll most likely be dead already, and you would risk your life." I nodded and set of to him.
    When I dragged his body back to safety, the Lutenient shook his head slowly. "You see, it was no use. He's dead, and you're badly wounded." I smiled and shook my head. "But when I got to him, he was alive, and I got the satisfaction of hearing him say, 'I knew you'd come, buddy.' Just before he died."


    (By the way, Y'all just lost the Game!!! )
  2. I didnt... Your buddy did :D