A Quick Guide to finding a farming target

Discussion in 'Wars' started by fluffles, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Do YOU love crying nubs? Is the sound of crying noobs music to your ears?

    Do you have a hard time finding a good target?

    Well then, look no further! I Have come with a solution()

    First you need to learn the ancient art of trolling. It's very simple:
    Next, you have to choose one way to find a good target
    1. Forum complainers
    2. WC noobs
    3. Battle list nubs who complain when you hit
    4. EB noobs (clan jumping and looking at history is a good way to find these, also a good way to find their sleep time)
    5. [Insert way to find target here]

    Now that you have chosen a way to find a target. It's time to farm!!
    Pretend to jump to their clan to help in some way and look at the eb history. Most noobs are eb noobs who believe farming is probably against the rules so an eb is a good way to find them!
    You can usually find their sleep time or if the clan uses "that third party app" look there, u might find them, usually it includes their time zones.
    You can also look at their screenshots posted If they are forumers, usually the time on the picture is pretty accurate unless it's an old screenshot.
    Now, when you find their time zone STRIP THOSE ALLIES 
    do this when they are asleep so they can't just buy new allies. Once allies are stripped...hit like never before  make sure the eb notifications spam them by the time they wake up or have lots of people follow them to spam notifications.

    This thread is quick and on my IDevice so don't judge if bb codes fail, this was also made in about 15 minutes sooo...
    Happy KAWing!
  2. Oops bb code failure...derp. Oh well, purple is hard for me to read on pc...or is that blue?
  3. Also: block your targets, if you look at the people you blocked, you have a permenant link to their profile!!!
  4. I forgot to add a lot of things  I need to edit on pc or something 0.o
  5. Good basic guide. I always followed my targets, it got really confusing. Never thought of blocking them. I'll use that tactic now. 
  6. Yea I used to too until I discovered you can block them as a better link
  7. Simply ask who wants a clan on wc, who wants admin etc...
  8. Btw for people who don't know how to block/view blocked ppl
    To block: click on their profile an scroll to the bottom an you should see a "block" button. To view who is blocked go to settings>privacy>blocked users
    (on IDevice)
  9. Arkst...U GENIUS!!!!!!
  10. *goes to ask on wc who wants a clan*
  11. I'm not genius this is very common knowledge I thought everyone did this
  12. I already did
  13. Oh and if you need one just check my wall but don't hit joe_ ;)
  14. I already did this in wc 
  15. I have trouble hitting bl or random player or any player for no reason, which is one of many reasons I am terrible at war. I prefer to insult players to bait them into fight as I feel I have a reason then.
  16. My wallall I did was hit a few time and he insults me :cry:
  17. :? Wow... He's really mad...
  18. Can't read your pic. Damn you yellow!