A question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by a_writer_for_peace, Sep 13, 2015.

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  1. So,idk how many 40k fans are here, especially ork fans. So, its been said that if all the orks unified they would destroy the 40k universe. I had this question: who could hold off the orks, or die trying?

    This question ive had for a long time.
  2. 1st comment ^_^
  3. 3rd taken
  4. Fourth the last time, WHY?

  5. Fith filled.

    Edited because I lost my spot.
  6. What's 40k?
  7. 40,000 
  8. Warhammer 40k is what I think he meant.
  9. Yeah. Warhammer 40k
  10. Rainbow dash
  11. Zeth and noodehl like dirty redheaded pineapple suckers.

    That is all.
  12. Ok imperium of man Op.
  13. We're all the same person btw
  14. NO.
  15. I don't really get the point fontina question/thread, if you like the answer it's usually best to go to google and ask and see what it comes up with.

    Locking due to being lack of effort, to prevent spam or trolls.
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