a question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TFE_Longboarddude44_TFE, Sep 22, 2012.

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  1. Hmmm i wonder what kaw would ne like in 100 years?hmmm
  2. Full of *cough* spam I imagine
  3. Ppl that ask stupid questions like u wouldn't exist. 
  4. Awwwwwwe yeahhhhhhh
  5. One can only hope. But sadly I'm afraid people like that are always going to exist. :(
  6. I don't plan on surviving long enough to find out
  7. Time cannot kill stupidity I'm afraid
  8. It won't last 100 years. It's unlikely that after 10 years it will still be active
  9. What a waste of time and forum space. Idiot
  10. At the rate its going there will be very few ppl playing kaw. There might be enough for maybe 20 or less clans to fill
  11. Sigh. In one hundred years people will still be making low effort threads like this
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