A question for Wulf re: errors in NQ eb guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by AppLeGirL, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Wulf,
    I've been perusing your guide as Last Rights is in the middle of unlocking it's second NQ.

    I'm so sorry to do this publicly, but you've made a few errors in your instructions for Phases 3 and 4. I can't seem to find the portion of your guide indicating the items bars should be cleared completely first. Nor am I able to locate the "then wait 30 minutes step".

    Yet, that's how we have completed the first NQ unlock we did last night. It's also how it appears to be how we will be doing the second one we are working our way through now. (different location).

    You did such a great job with all of the other ebs, I thought you might want to update the instructions.

    As a token of your gratitude, you may buy 1T in dirty allies from me.

  2. Lmfao nothing worse than someone clearing the item bar in nq haha, that wait for regen is almost as bad as when someone does the same thing during godmode of FoD :D
  3. If he happens to open this thread. -> click <-
  4. He will find a way just for me plus I need him to buy those allies 
  5. Errors in EB guide and the comedy of unlocks

    Anyone want to start a pool about god mode during our FOD unlock ?
  6.  I can give you a private lesson on the lost art of the Rebel method 
  7. Ashes, that appears to be the method we have been employing since Cover of Night unlocked. It seems to be the long method.
  8. If you're friends with him, why not just ask him in pm instead of asking about it in the forums?
  9. Serpent -
    Maybe they just don't follow each other?
  10. His banner wrote that he isn't able to edit his post :D
  11. Baby -
    They changed that now. They can be edited now.
  12. What is this "God-Mode"? Does it have something to do with those liters of iRegs blood I need to collect?
  13. Serpent,

    Toy R Us called and they found your sense of humor next to the Pokemon cards. They're open until 9 PM.
  14. Oh man serpent you may have to visit the burn unit after that one
  15. His favorite Simpsons character is Mr. Burns
  16. Serpent was a big fan of Bernie Williams
  17. ️what's up Dymez/Chubby Chaser
  18. Apple Girl that is an awesome response to Serpent, still laughing now 30 mins later