A Question About Tier 5

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. In light of the recent tier 5 release, i am going to ask: I am a hansel, should i upgrade straight to tier 5 from a level 4 guild or should i upgrade to stronghold shadow and then tier 5?
  2. SoS imo half price t4 :)
  3. T5 so u get mote money for destroying the t4
  4. T5 so u get more money for destroying t4
  5. Atm SoS maxed is more expensive with lower stats, i would get T5 until the price cut next week comes. Just imo having already bought one

    Yo jk bro
  6. Didn't think it posted first time