A Public Appeal

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JohnLocke, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. This is a public appeal. Every day, hundreds of noobs appeal for hire, for volley, for gold, that they have been farmed. They spam WC, they spam the forums. This is the story of Little Jimmy.

    Little Jimmy just started KaW, and he asked for a volley after being told that's what you should do. He built towers and stables, as that seemed to be a good idea at the time. Every day, he asked for a volley, and wished that people would hire his 18bn ally, Little Timmy, who had stats of 400-400-150-150.

    People mocked him, and then started to farm him. Little Jimmy didn't understand what he had done wrong, so he joined a clan for help.

    One day later, after discovering what ebs were and that his build sucked, Little Jimmy got a news feed message that a certain DEVIL had joined his clan. He was a good mentor, so Little Jimmy backed his call to become admin, and then owner.

    Unfortunately, in an unforeseen twist of fate, somehow the clan collapsed. (WTF right, who could've seen that coming?!!)

    Now Little Jimmy is wondering the streets, homeless and penniless, probably on the path to inactivity.

    Please, if you could give just 10 minutes of your time to help a noob, we can stop this genocide and help people like Little Jimmy to grow, to trade allies, to make money and flourish - give a noob a fish and he can eat for a day, but teach a noob to fish...

    Thank you for your time 
  2. Good point. I'm nice and teach new players the right way that way they dont end up looking dumb on KaW
  3. Once again, giving a player a trusted position in a clan without earning it, is asking for trouble.
  4. The example was meant as irony  There are so many people moaning about disapproving of clan destruction, yet it is frequently the members who suffer not the person who made the bad decision to admin/owner a random player 
  5. I just am trying to make the point that if people are advised the right way there might not be so much noob forum/WC spam
  6. mmm... no I don't see it that way, I know of a player who was suckered twice in making someone admin (different guys thank god) and in disbanding their clan. Nope... Newbs grow fast out of their newbish phase. Little Jimmy, well... It may be best if he becomes inactive. Or we could all farm him to make him feel better.
  7. It's johnlocke damn I thought you was dead, last time I saw you, you where on the island, Hows things..
  8. Lol poor little jimmy 
  9. -MW- aka Meatwhistle , is looking for a new minion A newb to take under his wing.
    All you need to do is wall him with your application in 100 words or less on why he should chose you.

    Good luck to all applicants
  10. :lol: lol tornado