A Proposal to Bring the All-Star clans into the EE Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 12, 2013.

  1. For me, one of the saddest scenes of the EE wars is when some player goes on WC and asks to join “a good EE war clan”. Apparently, they have given up growing as a group, and with a mere 2 weeks left in the season, figure their best shot is begging a better clan to let them in.

    You see, for every clan that has a great winning record, or even a mediocre one at that, there are plenty others that have almost no victories to speak of. Reasons?

    1. Bad teamwork/Commitment
    Basically it is their own damn fault. Leadership lack experienced, and members lacked the commitment to either stay online the whole 2 hours, change their builds, or xstal.

    2. Bad Pre-season Prep
    The Rancor trials gave us an opportunity to hone our war skills and get some red paladin equipment before the actual season started. Some clans, however, decided to blow this off because some guy had had the wrong clan tag or some guy called another guy noob in the forums. Those OSW titans then found themselves at a severe disadvantage when they started the season and were easy pickings for the well-stocked well-equipped Eb clans they kept making fun of.

    3. Faulty Clan-ranking system

    The clan ranking system for Rancor just takes into account members, build, and bfa only. Win/Loss results and prestige rankings are ignored. As a result lower prestige ranked clans (980 or so) found themselves coming up against the better clans ranked at 1070 or higher instead of fighting clans that were just as crappy at EE as they were. Also this guild hansel cheat/exploit is quite ridiculous. It has gotten to the point where some clans are fighting with 20+ guild hansels, which I think it is a pathetic insult to all those who worked hard at building an HLBC account.

    The result of all this is that many kingdoms and alliances have given up on the EE wars, while other kingdoms are finding the doors to EE war clans closed simply because they don’t fit into the cookie-cutter build all clans are demanding these days.

    Solution? Bring back the AllStar War clans.

    Here is my scenario. For 4 wars out of the week, players will have the option of not joining a regular clan but be placed into one of four ATA made clans left from the All Star Wars (Harbringers of War, for example). No BFA juggling here, players will be randomly put into of the four 200 member clans which will be matched up against each other. After the war there will be no estoc edge but the players would get mithril and the Rancor spell achievement.

    Why this is a good idea.

    1. By joining these clans, players who had previously had almost no luck at winning would now be given a 50/50 chance at getting some mithril. This should strengthen overall morale in the game and have more builds actively participating in EE wars.

    2. With a combined 400 players on both sides with little or no relationship with each other, tracking will go out the window. This I believe will create a brawlers paradise with a better chance of fighting throughout the war, instead of getting pushed back into KO ten seconds after you come out.

    3. Players will not feel the pressure to cast all spells or use crystals as much as they do in regular clans. This will allow players who play kaw for free a better opportunity to enjoy these wars.

    Now, the downside to this is twofold: 1) it undermines the clan system and all those clans that worked at developing their war machines and 2) it might cut into ATA’s wallets. I solve this by making this All Star clan option available only 4 times a week with no Edge bonus, thereby keeping the incentive to stay in or develop a strong clan.

    While I have been fortunate to war with an above-average clan, it breaks my heart to see all the frustrated players who can’t war with a strong clan simply because they don’t have leaderboard BFA or are not guild hansels. Therefore I think the All Star random clan option would be a good way for osw clans and players to try and dig their way out of the EE hole without sacrificing their favorite build or begging to join Warlor. In the end, the more players ATA can keep happy, the healthier the game will be as a whole. :ugeek:
  2. Supported by your local semi-mod :lol:
    But seriously unreal idea :)
  3. Good idea support
  4. So basically you are proposing an idea for the noobs in ee wars?
  5. Great idea
  6. Gh are a poor mans HLBC.
  7. Interesting idea..
  8. Interesting

  9. Interesting. I'd try it out.

  10. No, it does not necessarily have to be noobs. If the devs want they could impose a Top 10000 Rank limit.

    Fact is lots of people have just quit because of they have one arm tied behind their backs before they even start. oG alliance has basically given up on EE wars, and the match ups are say the least, questionable.

    Take today, for instance. For some reason known only to the devs, we had Warlor HellHounds (prestige 1089) fighting Se7en S1ns (975). At the same time RCA (1068) fighting ToH (977). Doesn't it make more sense to have 7S fight ToH instead of getting their butts filleted by the two bigger clans?
  11. In war do you just toss out 10,000 ground troops and let them hunt the enemy? No... You have medic personal, Snipers, air support, navel support, electronically guided missiles etc.

    Guild hansels are just another part of war. Should we only Pure spies, Attack builds in because towers are totally cheating! It prevents my spies from getting through, I find this absurd!
  12. Meh why not
  13. I disagree here. Gh are not just another part of war, they are becoming the main focus of the war. Some EE clans are comprised of 80% GH.

    Also, we spent our money on HLBC believing they would be superior during war, not inferior. Having gh fighting and winning against hlbc is like having a kid with a sling shot taking down a Shermann tank or Trident submarine. Even the devs have acknowledged it is an exploit, and they plan to tweak the system next time.
  14. I have thought of that same idea many times.. It would be a lot of fun and provide close wars

  15. I agree. Introducing the All star clans four times a week would have little impact on the RCAs, Rising Hawks, and Warlors of kaw, but would help restore confidence and moral to all the losing clans out there.