A post about Satanism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Takbir, May 7, 2015.

  1. I am personally a theistic Satanist. Today I wanted to share a little about my beliefs and what other theistic Satanists may believe. I want to do this because I feel that there is a lot of religious threads on forums, but none on Satanism.
    Following is a brief summary of our basic beliefs:

    Satan is our God. Satan is a real spiritual entity whom we revere.

    Satan challenges us to think for ourselves, to question all things, to be strong as individuals, to face down our fears, to be creative, and to become ever more than we are.

    All of these are significant challenges. For example, truly thinking for oneself can be very hard work -- though it can also be a lot of fun.

    Satan encourages freedom and self-knowledge. And, unlike some other spiritualities, most forms of Satanism are fully compatible with the desire for material success.

    Most theistic Satanists believe that Satan does not dictate a system of morality (or anti-morality). Most believe -- at least for the most part -- that it is up to us to decide such matters for ourselves, both as individuals and as groups. (A group does need at least some agreed-upon rules for its members in order to function.)

    Yet many also believe that Satan does expect of us some specific attitudes and behaviors. For example, besides the challenges mentioned earlier, most believe that Satan wants us to fulfill any promises made to Satan or to a demon. Some believe that Satan wants us to regard other theistic Satanists (or, at least, other theistic Satanists of one's own particular kind) as family. Some say that Satan deals with different groups and individuals differently, holding them to different standards, depending on who they are and on their circumstances and level of development.

    Others believe that Satan asks only that we know who we are and be true to ourselves.

    It behooves us to act responsibly. We accept responsibility for all we do. We will choose our responsibilties ourselves and bear them willingly.

    As public or semi-public Satanists, we are constrained by practical necessity to obey the laws of the land, though we may work for changes to laws with which we disagree.

    We have no consensus on theology. Theistic Satanists may be monotheistic, duotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, or deistic. Some of us base our theology primarily on a reinterpretation of Christianity, while others look to more ancient pagan sources, others look to more modern sources, and most look to some combination of the above. The real truth about Satan -- or any other god -- is probably beyond human understanding.

    Long live our differences, lest Satanism become yet another conformist herd.

    Rege Satana!
  2. Does Satan give hugs?
  3. If ur bad do u go to heaven?
  4. :lol: #1 answer of the year :lol:
  5. Yes.
  6. No.
  7. Not really.
  8. If you're good do you go to heaven?
  9. Yayyyyy :)

    Firey hug of hell! Don't torch my shirt, I bought it today!
  10. True satanism cannot exist as the belief in satan cannot come without a belief in god, which by definition is God, not Satan. Wierd huh
  11. I heard saddam and satan were good buddies
  12. True, there would be no satan without a God. He wouldn't exist.
  13. Boom. I just shattered satanism with a couple sentences
  14. No you didn't. God is an oppressive being, Lucifer is the bringer of light and knowledge. "god" is real but he is not a being worthy of worship or reverence. He will only bring submission and death, while Satan encourages individualism and free thought.
  15. I'm just waiting for the argument this thread will start.
  16. "God" does exist. Not in the Christian sense of
    Things, but there is a "God" who is a being that wants submission and conformity from people.
  17. Not really. He never said anything about denying the existence of multiple godly deities.
  18. Yet your stating you believe god exists. Which therein obliterates any other belief because you cant believe in gods existence unless you believe hes God.
  19. "It behooves us..."


    That IS FUNNY!!!