A possible solution to the EE outrage.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. First off, Dev, this is player solution to ee, not dev solution. What every you guys and gals are working on to improve EE, continue on doing so.

    First, anyone who looks at my build alone can tell that I do not regularly EE. Anyone who knows me though, knows I love to PvP. So here is my Rusty solution to Fix EE!

    Okay, the devs can only do and adjust so much to counter those that seek to find every single loop hole to advance them self in profit. It is on those who wish to ee for real, fun, close, competitive system EE wars, to take matters into their own hands!

    Are you sick of mismatches, tired of no matches? Are you aggravated with leaderboard players stacking rosters with GH and SH accounts? -Then Do Something about it! This is a WAR game and that doesn't mean system wars only!

    I challenge every single clan that is SICK of the other clans that "exploit" the system to take matters into their own hands!

    -How you say?

    -By bringing matters into your own hands and declaring a real war against them!

    Look, apparently all of the screaming, frustrations, aggravation, and wasted money has only went so far thus far. If all of you truly feel so upset and annoyed with what has been going on, why not team up, track, then strip farm those who you feel is destroying a "Once Amazingly Fun" aspect of the game?

    We our are brothers keeper. The community is what makes this game great. So I challenge the EE community who feel that there are those that are destroying EE, to actually do something about it. Because all your rants are doing are satisfying your own self for a short while and accomplishing nothing.

    Take action in what you believe in or watch what you believe in crumble and fall into despair.
  2. Note: This is me saying to either do something to help change for the better or just roll over and hope the devs are able to make a near impossible solution to fix the exploits.

    You action, from either osw or debates, that is on you. Just do something other than complain. -I understand season 3 is disappointing, but the devs are trying. Just pony up some. Some issues in kaw can be fixed by the kawmmunity.

    Either way, I spoke my mind, take it as you will.
  3. I heard a clan named "EE Exploiters Beware" or something like that is under construction. A thread where kawers will post who the exploiter clans are (with explanation) will likewise be made. Based on the posts, the kawmunity will know what exploiter clan to osw first. 
  4. A positive start.

    My end point is, as a community, as fellow gamers in kaw, to make the game better, if someone is exploiting an aspect of the game you enjoy, why not use the tools given to you already to try and end the abuse?
  5. Sorry dude. Pretty lame. People like the dynamics of EE war. That's why they want to do them. Osw gets boring fast.
  6. RKS isn't saying to stop EE. He's saying maybe the EE community should put pressure on the abusers on their end to help bring positive change to it by way of OSW.
  7. I am not saying stop ee, I am saying do something about the abusers if you feel so offended by what they are doing.

    May have a better out come than crying about it.
  8. OSW is not boring. Its pretty fun especially if its for a good cause. Soon the exploiters will be enjoying it eventually
  9. You could all just not do the EE wars.
    Or better yet, the Devs could just scrap the idea.. :roll: :roll: