Hi guys Happy 2nd month KaWiversary to me as of this edit. For your present, I decided to pop back real quick and give you guys all the stats that often get asked for in comments. Without further ado: The drop rate for nobs is, according to averaged tests, .73%. You may get a nob on ANY quest success, regardless of whether you have completed it to 100% or not. Random crystal drops--not the static rewards which are detailed in this guide--are extremely rare. Most people have never gotten one, and I have not heard of anyone getting more than two throughout their KaWreer (maybe someone has gotten more, but not that I've seen. I am NOT saying it is impossible to get more). So, the drop rate is unknown. It is far easier to get 10 nobs (needed for a regen) than one crystal. This is a list of all the quests and all their info. KEY: Quest Title Description Money Earned Success Message Fail Message Percent Complete per Success Successes needed to Master Total quest successes to this point QUESTS: #1. Excavate Excavate a mountain to find rare gems. Money Earned: $2,400-3,000 Your soldiers found some rare gems and sold them for gold. Your soldiers were lost in a rock slide and failed to return with any gems. Percent Per Success: 50% Success's needed for mastery: 2 2 Bonus: 5k gold #2. The Search For Treasure Explore the ancient ruins around your kingdom. Money Earned: $ 4,800-6,000 You've discovered some buried treasure. Your exploration party was overwhelmed by traps and wild animals. 34% 3 5 #3. To Catch a Thief A thief has stolen secret *** from the town hall. Get them back! Money Earned: $10,400-13,000 You caught the thief. The thief got away. 25% 4 9 Bonus: 13k gold Next quests unlocked #4. Attack Bandits Destroy a bandit camp near your kingdom. $19,200-24,000 You successfully drove away the bandits. The bandits were too strong for you to defeat. 34% 3 12 #5. Escort Convoy Escort a delivery convoy to a neighboring kingdom. $25,600-32,000 You were rewarded for safe delivery of the goods. Your convoy was captured on your way to the kingdom. 25% 4 16 #6. Unwelcome Guests A barbarian scouting party was spotted near your kingdom. Drive them away! $32,000-40,000 The scouting party was killed. You were defeated by the scouting party. 20% 5 21 #7. Royal Protection Escort members of the royal family to a neighboring kingdom. $38,000-48,000 You were rewarded for safely escorting the royal family. You were overrun by thieves on the trail and forced to turn back. 20% 5 26 Next quests unlocked #8. Preventative Measures Barbarians have been terrorizing your convoys. Take them out! $44,800-56,000 You killed the thieves. You were driven away by enemy soldiers. 15% 7 33 Bonus: 56k gold, 1 health crystal #9. Destroy Trade Route Destroy the trade route of a neighboring kingdom. $51,200-64,000 You defeated the enemy soldiers and eliminated the route. You were driven away by guards. 20% 5 38 #10. Protect Your Land Prevent barbarians from starting a village in your kingdom. $57,600-72,000 You drove away their settlement convoy and took all they had. You were driven away by the settlement convoy. 20% 5 43 #11. Held For Ransom Kidnap a member of the royal family from one of your rivals and hold them for ransom. $64,000-80,000 The kidnapping succeeded and the ransom was paid. You failed to drive the enemies away. 16% 7 50 #12. Sabotage Seek out barbarian units and sabotage their weapons. $70,800-88,000 You destroyed the enemy weapons. You were defeated. 16% 7 57 Bonus: 176k gold, 1 health crystal #13. To the Rescue Help out an ally that is under attack. $76,800-96,000 You helped your ally defeat the enemy and was rewarded. You were overwhelmed by the attacking forces. 16% 7 64 #14. Attack Convoy Disrupt the barbarian trade routes running through yor kingdom. $83,200-104,000 You captured a barbarian convoy. Your soldiers were killed in the attack. 16% 7 71 #15. Intruders Hunt down the elf scouts that have been spotted around your kingdom. $84,600-105,600 The scouting party was killed. The scouting party got away. 15% 7 78 Bonus: 211,200 gold, 2 health crystals Next quests unlocked #16. Rescue the Princess The princess of an allied kingdom has been captured by the barbarians. $89,600-112-000 You rescued the princess and were rewarded. The rescue attempt failed. 16% 7 85 #17. Protect the Convoy Prevent elf thieves have been stealing your convoys. $96,000-120,000 Your convoy successfully reaches its destination. Your convoy was captured by thieves. 16% 7 92 #18. Fighting Back Search out a barbarian camp and raid it. $102,400-128,000 You raided the camp and stole their gold. You were driven away. 15% 7 99 #19. Mind Tricks Elf wizards have been casting spells on your villagers. Eliminate them! $108,800-136,000 You defeated the wizards. The wizards defeated your soldiers. 15% 7 106 Bonus: 272k gold, 2 health crystals #20. For Revenge Barbarians attacked some of your villagers. Avenge them by burning theirs. $115,200-144,000 You plundered a small barbarian village. The barbarian village drove away your army. 15% 7 113 #21. Deliver to Safety Protect your convoy from elf archers! $121,600-152,000 The convoy reached the destination safely. The convoy was lost. 15% 7 120 #22. Spill Their Blood Push the barbarians back to where they came from. $126,720-158,400 You forced the barbarians out of their village. The barbarian village drove away your army. 13% 8 128 #23. The Hunted Elf hunters have been killing you livestock. Hunt them back! $128,000-160,000 You killed the hunters and recovered your livestock. The hunters got away. 13% 8 136 Bonus: 480k gold, 2 health crystals Next quests unlocked #24. Battle at Valhalla The barbarians have amassed an army and your kingdom's border. Attack them first! $134,400-168,000 You destroyed the barbarian army and took everything they had. Their army defeated you. 15% 7 143 #25. Stealing Business Destroy elf trade routes that are stealing your business. $140,800-176,000 You destroyed the trade route and got some business back. The elves drove your forces away. 15% 7 150 #26. Under the Bridge Your villagers have spotted some goblins under a town bridge. Get rid of them. $147,200-184,000 Your soldiers killed the goblins. The goblins got away. 13% 8 158 Bonus: 368k gold, 2 health crystals #27. Theft Invade an elf camp and steal their resources. $153,600-192,000 You successfully invaded an elf camp. You were defeated by the camp guards. 13% 8 166 #28. Seek and Destroy Kill the goblins that have been trying to setup camp in your kingdom. $168,960-211,200 You destroyed the settlement party. You were driven away by enemy soldiers. 10% 10 176 Bonus: 844,800 gold, 2 health crystals. Next quests unlocked #29. Raiding Mission Raid surrounding elf villages and destroy them. $211,200-264,400 You destroyed the elf village. The enemy soldiers defeated your army. 13% 8 184 #30. Hunting Sorcerers Get rid of the goblin sorcerers casting spells on your villagers. $253,440-316,800 You killed the sorcerers and freed your villagers from the spell. You were repelled by the sorcerers. 10% 10 194 #31. Held for Ransom Capture the elf royal family and hold them for ransom. $295,680-369,600 You captured the royal family and were paid the ransom. The royal guards drove away your soldiers. 10% 10 204 Bonus: 1.4m, 3 health crystals Next quests unlocked #32. Fighting Giants Goblin giants have been disrupting your trade routes. Clear the path! $337,920-422,400 You took down the giants. The giants crushed your army. 13% 8 212 #33. Preemptive Strike Destroy the elf army before they get a chance to attack. $380,160-475,200 You annihilated the elf army, dealing a heavy blow to their kingdom. The elf army destroyed your attacking forces. 13% 8 220 #34. Hunting Season Hunt down the monsters that have been stealing your livestock. $422,400-528,000 You killed the monsters and got your livestock back. The monsters got away. 10% 10 230 Bonus: 2m, 3 health crystals #35. Pirate Defense Pirates have been spotted near your kingdom. Stop them from discovering your villagers. $464,640-506,880 You stopped the pirates before they found your village. The pirates killed your soldiers. 10% 10 240 #36. Stealing Gold Sneak into the goblin village and steal their gold. $506,880-633,600 You successfully invaded the village. The guards eliminated your forces. 10% 10 250 Bonus: 3m, 3 health crystals Next quests unlocked #37. No Fly Zone Take down the pirate airships that are trying to land in your kingdom. $ 549,120-686,400 You brought down a pirate airship. The airship overwhelmed your soldiers. 10% 10 260 #38. Disruption Cut off the Goblin King's supply routes. $552,960-691-200 You eliminated the supply route and stole their convoy. Your soldiers were defeated. 10% 10 270 #39. For the Love of the Hunt Attack the pirates that have landed on the shores of your kingdom. $591,360-739,200 You killed the pirate landing party. The pirates have killed your soldiers and are invading your kingdom. 10% 10 280 Bonus: 5m #40. Vengeance Avenge your villagers and kill the goblins that attacked them. $633,600-792,000 You hunted down and killed the goblins responsible for the massacre. The goblins got away. 10% 10 290 #41. Stealing from a Thief Pirates have stolen from your kingdom. Get your gold back. $675,840-844,800 You caught the thieves and retrieved the loot. The pirates drove you away from their stash. 8% 13 303 #42. Pillage and Plunder Get rid of the goblin villages that have been invading your kingdom. $718,080-897,600 You burned down the enemy village. The village defenses stopped your soldiers. 8% 13 316 Bonus: 5.5m #43. Escort Convoy Protect your convoy from the pirates staking out your trade route. $760,320-950,400 You delivered the convoy safely. The pirates captured your convoy. 8% 13 329 #44. Preemptive Strike Kill the Goblin King's army before they attack! $802,560-1,003,200 You decimated the goblin army. Your surprise attack failed. 7% 15 344 #45. Guard Duty Stop the pirates that are attacking your villagers. $829,440-1,036,800 You killed the attacking pirates. The pirates have defeated your soldiers. 7% 15 359 #46. A Cold Spell Mystical ice creatures have been spotted in your kingdom. Go investigate. $844,800-1,056,000 You discovered strange ice creatures and killed them. The icy creatures attacked and killed your soldiers. 7% 15 374 Bonus: 10m, 3 crystals. #47. Stealing from a Thief Raid a pirate airship and steal their stolen loot. $887,040-1,108,800 You successfully infiltrated a pirate ship and stole their gold. You were defeated by the pirates. 10% 10 384 #48. Icy Structures Get rid of the icy structures that are appearing across your land. $929,280-1,161,600 You destroyed the icy structure and found some treasure. Your soldiers were repelled by the structure's defenses. 10% 10 394 #49. Sabotage Find and destroy a pirate airship. $971,520-1,214,400 You destroyed an airship and stole what was on board. The airship defenses killed your soldiers. 8% 13 407 #50. Melting Point The Ice King is freezing your crops. Find a way to thaw them out. $1,013,760-1,267,200 You defeated the ice wizards that were casting spells on your crops. The ice wizards froze your soldiers to death. 8% 13 420 #51. Revenge Pirates have been destroying your villages. Find the pirate camps and destroy them. $1,105,920-1,382,400 You annihilated the pirate camp. The pirates drove away your attacking soldiers. 8% 13 433 #52. Invading Forces Kill the ice gremlins trying to invade your kingdom. $1,382,400-1,728,400 You melted the ice creatures into little puddles. The ice creatures were too much for your soldiers to handle. 8% 13 446 Bonus: 17m. #53. Push them Back Drive the pirates back to their ship. $1,658,880-2,073,600 The pirates fled your kingdom, leaving behind their loot. The pirate forces were too powerful for you to defeat. 7% 15 461 #54. Escort Convoy Protect your convoy from the Ice King's bandits. $1,935,360-2,419,200 You delivered the convoy safely. Your convoy was captured. 7% 15 476 #55. Voice in the Dark Investigate the mysterious creatures your villagers have spotted in the night. $2,211,840-2,764,800 You found and eliminated some hell hounds. The demon creatures killed your soldiers. 7% 15 491 20m bonus #56. Icy Grip Free a village that has been overrun by the Ice King's army. $2,488,320-3,110,400 Your freed a captured village. The enemy was too strong and annihilated your rescue team. 7% 15 506 #57. Gates of Hell Demon portals have opened up near the outskirts of your village. Kill the monsters coming through them. $2,764,800-3,456,000 You defeated the demons and closed the portal. The demons overwhelmed your forces. 6% 17 523 #58. Facing the Storm Kill the ice wizards that are causing blizzards throughout your kingdom. $3,041,280-3,801,000 You defeated the wizards and stopped the blizzards. The blizzards wiped out your army. 6% 17 540 30m gold. 5 crystals. Next set of quests. #59. Living Dead The dead are rising and attacking your villagers. Kill the zombies. $3,317,760 - 4,147,200 You put the dead back where they belong, in their graves. Your soldiers were turned into zombies. 8% 13 553 #60. Disruption Destroy the Ice King's supply routes. $3,594,240 - 4,492,800 You destroyed the supply route and stole their convoys. The enemy soldiers defeated your army. 7% 15 568 Bonus: 17m #61. The Darkness Darkness has covered your kingdom and demons are causing trouble. $3,870,720 - 4,838,400 You brought light back to your kingdom, killing the demons that hide in the dark. 6% 17 585 #62. Push them Back Drive the Ice King's settlements out of your kingdom. $4,147,200 - 5,184,000 You destroyed a settlement. 6% 17 602 Bonus: 20m #63. Evil Temples Destroy the demon temples that are appearing across your land. $4,423,680 - 5,529,600 You took down the demon temple. The demon guards drove you away. 6% 17 619 #64. The Edge of Winter The Ice King's army has amassed at your kingdom's border. Confront them in battle! $4,700,160 - 5,875,200 You massacred their army and drove them from your borders. The Ice King's army was too much for your soldiers to handle. 5% 20 639 #65. Rescue Mission Free a village that has been captured by the demons. $4,976,640 - 6,220,800 You freed the village from the grips of evil. The evil demons were too powerful for you to defeat. 5% 20 659 Bonus: 30m, 5 health crystals Most difficult quests unlocked #66. Army of the Damned Kill the demon infantry that has been attacking your outposts. $5,253,120-6,566,400 You eliminated the infantry unit. The infantry unit defeated your soldiers. 7% 15 674 #67. Free from Evil Kill the demon sorcerers that are turning your villagers into demon slaves. $5,529,600-6,912,000 You killed the demon soldiers and prevented your villagers from being turned. Your villagers were turned into demons and killed your soldiers. 3% 34 708 #68. Kill them All! Demons are running rampant throughout your kingdom. Kill them all! $5,806,080-7,257,600 You hunted down and killed all the demons you could find. Your attack party was lost. 2% 50 758 Bonus: 350m, 5 crystals. #69. Enemy's Gate Attack the gates of hell! $6,082,560-7,603,200 Your soldiers were triumphant and drove the demons back to hell. The demons are much too powerful and trampled your army. 1% 100 (depressing, isn't it?) 858 Bonus: 500m, 10 health crystals Congrats you beat all the quests
Bro. If you're going to copy paste a thread, at least copy the full version instead of just the plain text. Sheesh.
There is no point in copying and pasting a guide that alread exists and then claiming it to be yours. Locking this due to this. If people want to see the original guide it can be found in the guides section of forums.