a nooblets response for the event

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by WOLFIE, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Well this has been a great event in my perspective, mostly cos it's the first time I will have gotten something for once in a event :lol:

    Originally it was planned to suggest a few ideas to improve the event for next time but rikk beat me to it, so instead of creating another idea thread. Just follow this link and give your thoughts and suggestions to his thread.

    rikks idea suggestion thread

    Id like to give thanks to a number of people who both have shown good sportsmanship during the event. As following:

    I'm sorry guys for the 1,000s of hits I've dropped between you all and staying dtw the whole time except for a rare occasion. Specially the good few swords I've stolen from BL. So I pretty much can be sure there's a good number of people who'd like some sort pay back after all the trouble I've coursed.

    Now where this event has drained me I am unable to give anything except to be open for the remainder of the event. Strip if you want to keep me open for steals and drop a few xtrals.

    Just a friendly warning Rath is a reset bomb, so keep away from him if you don't wanna risk 20bil :lol:

    Good luck on getting the target you want and remember.

    Stay classy Kaw ️
  2. No support
  3. Fb Omar nP
  4. I'm going to scout you as you have never been scouted before Woifie 
  5. You gonna stalk him?
  6. I'd Cream if Daphers Stalked me... <3
  7. Nooblets r us
  8. Ew. Weirdo.
  9. Think somebody took things a little too far 
  10. I'd also like to say this event has been great fun n sorry for all the farm(even tho u guys all opted in lol)
  11. Actually I stalk daph :3 but close
  13. Block list quick linking support lol
  14. I opted in a day ago to get the max non LB rewards of 1k and it took only a few hours

    This was probably the lamest event so far in the rewards and difficulty.
  15. Of course :cool:
    No better way than having so many links to accounts without them knowing, until they try to have a little rant on your wall :lol:

  16. Support to having a block list longer than my friends list
  17. Thanx for the mention wolf, learned a lot from this event and thanks for showin how easily my spies could be pinned lol good luck on equip bro its been fun :)
  18. Now if they could only find a way to make the block list accessible for android and PC :lol:
  19. You csn access it on pc already riku :)