A New Way to Cslculate BFE️

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, May 10, 2014.

  1. Hey mates and other nooblets.

    I have an idea in regards to BFE and EE war match making. A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away we were able to change our BFE during EE war. For example I could start off smacking Moose with an Abysmal Blade, and when my troops got low, finish him off with my Soulreaper. I could put on offensive equip when I was on the attack and then switch to defensive when I needed to turtle. 

    Unfortunately the devs had to freeze BFE changes after match up. Why? Cause players were stripping nekkid before the match up in hopes of getting an easy match up then throwing on huge amounts of BFE later. This lead to unfair matchup where BFE rich clans got to war BFE poor ones.

    While I guess this changed helped getting clan better matchups, it killed a huge part of the strategy of EE, and didn't allow players to correct boneheaded BFE misses. ( the sickle? Wtf did I equip the sickle for?)

    I think my bean-sized frog brain has come up with a solution to this problem at will let us switch equip in war again. I believe that, instead of just counting equipped equipment when making matches, the devs should count all of a players equipment, even if it is not equipped at that time. In my case, for example, the devs would not only look at my presently equipped Soulreaper, but also take into account my Blade, sickle, Icetail, diamondferous, and Stingpoint. All equip I ever got would go into the matchmaking algorithm.

    What are the advantages of this?

    1. It will increase overall strategy play, because we could then change our equip to meet the needs of that particular war.

    2. It might lead to better matchups. Successful clans with lots of equip would have a harder time finding inexperienced clan to feast on because the BFE differences. Successful clans would have collectively have more pieces of equip giving them a bigger overall BFE.

    3. It might help to solve the GH/SH problem cause sh with lots of equip could not try to hide it like they presently do.

    4. Ppl would no longer have to worry about if they forgot to unequip a certain item cause they could now correct mistakes.

    So that's my idea, mates. Cool isn't it? Show your support by buying an inactive off of me
  2. Ok. Bought one.
  3. Decent thread by frog.


    Regarding the OP, that's gonna be a tough one. What do you do if a person has a ton of equipment for each slot, but the opponent doesn't?

    And do people actually swap equipment during EE? Seems like a lot of extra work. But it's a good strategy.
  4. I like the thought but no.

    It should only count equipment currently equipped and equipment with stats greater than equipment currently equipped (in any area).

    Otherwise people will spend the whole game avoiding getting equipment for better matchups.
  5. Frog I hate to be the one to tell you but

    Calculate *

    I like this well thought out devs do need to come up with a better system to help match ups and not just patches

    not ee recently but it does seem like sh is a major problem with ee
  6. Sounds good , but I see this bringing more no match issues.
  7. Open 5b out. Steal Googogogogogogo
  8. Wouldn't it be better to just count the highest stat pieces for each slot?
  9. @ troll

    People already have the equip. They can't avoid getting it.
  10. Yeah, it's a fat finger typo. Let's get past that
  11. @owain

    Remember this is a computer program we are dealing with. Prolly easier for it to look at it in all one lump sum. Also successful clan should have more equipment and therefore should match against solar clans with solar equip numbers.
  12. @ cheese

    I don't think that would be a problem since you're only allowed 12 pieces at a time.

    As for switching, some do, some don't. It would get rid of all the panic of equipping the wrong equip or forgetting equip altogether.
  13. Has to be calculated on the best stat equip you have for that slot, only way it would work.

    And Full support 
  14. I disagree. This in essence would punish players for having multie EQ sets and/or encourage players to not engage in promo events, do EQ Ebs they don't need etc.

    Method 1)
    Possibly refine the algorithm to either work off a average BFE per slot (total all eq available in slot and find average for the EQ in said slot).

    For instance the weapon slot.
    Adds the BFE from
    abysmal blade
    Sting point
    Soul reaper

    Total is 360m BFE from all those items.

    360/6=60m so for the weapon slot it would calculate you having a BFE of 60m for that slot.

    Do this for all slot you have an average potential that the person can use. They them have access to all their equipment if they choose.

    Method 2)

    Pick the highest BFE provided in each slot ;regardless of equipped or not. Added the total up that is the max bfe potential for the user and that is used in the matching algorithm.

    The problem of "useless" equipment is still present in both systems. If there was a way to "activate" equipment that you would use in a war before the war. Then equipment marked as intended to use in war is used in either method 1 or method 2.

    If the ability to activate equipment is given players with several equipment a or the level 1 EQ( unenchanted) from mark them for use this would lower the over all BFE average. So the full mith pvp gear let's say adds 600m BFE. If the method 1 average is use it could be possible to lower than to 350-450m BFE. Significant change. This is an exploit in the system. Which leads me to think the method 2 would be a better solution though it limits the player to what they have chosen (if no choice is made then only equipment that is currently equipped is used in the calculation and is the only equipment allowed for use.)
  15. Basically I want to free up my equip during war.

    If the devs can calculate on the best equip available per slot, then that would be fine.
  16. This guy is so insecure... Always has to make it a joke on him somewhere.
  17. Lol whatever dude. Thanks for the free Shrink session.