A New Kind of System War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Pickled_Pepper, May 21, 2013.

  1. Being a working adult with family to care for, it is a real challenge for me to commit two straight hours to this game for EE. After having read other threads and comments on threads, I know that I'm not the only one.

    Equipment awarded by EE/mith is more powerful than EB equipment, and this will make it challenging for clans who do not have the ability to participate to compete with those clans who could going forward in a very substantial way.

    I'm not asking for handouts or looking to take away the hard work of those clans who have done EE and succeeded. They have all worked very hard and earned it. I am simply looking for a different way for the rest of us to also have a chance at earning some nice equipment.

    I have a very loose idea for a new system, and I'd like your help fleshing the idea out.

    I think the biggest factor as to whether the development team picks this idea up will depend largely on how closely the new system resembles the current one.

    Time writing code to make new features = more money, so the key will be to try to incorporate as many current features into whatever idea we come up with.

    I like Val's bounty hunter idea, but I believe the devs have already commented that they won't be going forward with it any time soon due to the coding challenges of implementing such a system.

    The parameters for this proposed system are:

    - exploits should be avoided by closing potential loopholes.
    - it must be equally accessible to all
    - it should require some degree of teamwork and coordination

    Things I would take from the current system:

    - matchup process
    - payout/rewards
    - KOs

    That's my basic outline so far. I think taking the current system and perhaps extending it over a longer period of time - say weeks or months? Perhaps this will prevent the problem in the previous system where people sat at their computer for 24-48 hours for turtle wars. Perhaps extending it over a much longer period of time might iron out the imbalance of clans who have individuals with the luxury to continuously play for so long by making short term contributions less significant and placing more emphasis on long term strategy, planning, and commitment.

    Perhaps add a way to track strips?

    Perhaps when someone leaves a clan, all their plunder earned up to that point gets awarded to the opposing team.

    Like I said, this is a very rough idea, but I think it would be nice for those of us who can't attend a video game for so long to be able to compete and not be left in the dust when those who do have that luxury are rewarded with more powerful equipment.

    This way, it will still feel like people have earned their equipment, just they will have earned it by participating in a marathon war, rather than a sprint war.

  2. Interestingly thought out idea. A longer term of war could stop certain exploits although it still might not be entirely non-exploitable. Not sure how many other players would support this idea though.

    This idea could still use some tweaking but you got a rough start of something for the community to brainstorm ideas for improvement.
  3. So basically creating a SW version of OSW?
  4. Well, I'm not entirely sure if it would be comparable to OSW. OSW has no time limit, outside hits are allowed, you can come and go as you please, you can run EBs, you can choose your opponent.

    So, no, I don't think this will be much like OSW.
  5. Ironically, I think I suggested this earlier today. No one took me seriously :(

    You worded it much more eloquently than I did though.

    I think I said something like "I want month long marathon wars with stripping and ****"

    Ireg said "ur in one"

    I said "no. In my system, I would have fancy equipment for beating on a bunch of nakey inactive noobs"

    Ireg said "slap yo self"

    I did 
  6. I do apologize if this idea has been proposed before.

    If you can find your thread, belle, I'll be happy to post what I've written here on your thread and request this one be locked.
  7. Lol no. It is a well known fact that I always think of everything awesome first and then iprophet steals my awesome ideas and then 6 months later, Swabia makes a forum thread saying that after much research, he has invented whatever the hell it was.

    But nah. I was just shooting off at the mouth in pal earlier today.

    I guess what my post should have said was
  8. I agree that this should be looked at and completely concur that it is difficult with family responsibilities etc. to find 2 straight hours to dedicate to this game (even though I can be active regularly throughout the day it tends to be little bits here and there). It is all the more difficult if you're in a clan with others who have similar responsibilities. However i don't want to miss out on the opportunity to war (this us after all a war game!) Any system that caters for me like this would therefore be great.
  9. System wars are gay anyway, I'd rather do whatever the **** I want instead of sitting there in a shitty ruled war
  10. How about.... Open rosters.... Imagine the chaos if you could add players as the war goes. On... This is the fun part of kaw.. Who can get the best team to destroy the other.

    Not.. 4 big accounts and 20 gh accounts... Yawn...

  11. No cos that's too much like osw, plus who wants to join something that has a **** payout anyway
  12. this has already been suggested but its nice to have a dedicated thread to it. I think it would awesome to have 24hr, 48hr, and 168hr wars (7 days). There would be no veils or WoC, every person on the roster would be part of the war. No ebs could be intiated and aside from that the rules are up to the leaders of the clans. It would make it funner, longer, more strategic, and almost like a mini OSW. I could just see people investigating where the players live and then assigning people in different timezone to hit targets that are sleeping. Lol, surely would promote diverse players from all over the world
  13. oh, but rosters must be closed
  14. Like a mini osw. Lol if u want an osw then ******* start one you noob
  15. Thanks for the constructive feedback, cheeze. I think what silence means is that this will not be anything like OSW, as I mentioned in my comment on page one to the other person who suggested that this might be similar to OSW.

    Again, this would be very different from OSW.
  16. Good idea

    But i kinda like the curent ee system
  17. Good Idea.
    i think we can include following:-

    1)wars can be 1 week 2 week 3 week etc.

    2)for participating in war need to cast woc or something like that

    3)we can do ebs during war non-waring members can hit it anytime for warring->

    4)there should be a new spell for active in war that when casted will make player active in war(only woc casted participants can cast it).lets its name is (warrior blood) WB

    4.1)only WB casted players can hit other clan WB casted players.

    5)its duration should be 30-60mins and there should cap on max no. of cast in 24hrs.

    6)when casted both clan participant should get notification

    7)warring members can also hit ebs when not active in war(not casted new spell)

    8)After casting WB there should buffer time of 15 min

    this just rough Idea we can make changes as required :D
    By this kind of war can have group 4-5 peps from one clan casting and hitting when they have time.
    as there is no strict timing for war anybody can pick time.
  18. Omg. A 7 day system war would rock!!!